This is a sbt-based, scala Akka project that sets up a web project with REST and comet support. It includes a simple hello-world style demo application and an actor boot class. It is inspired by efleming969's akka-template-rest. However, it differs in that it
- uses sbt dependencies instead of setting up maven repositories
- uses sbt 0.12.x and the xsbt-web-plugin
- targets Akka 2.0.4 and Scala 2.9.2
This template is released under Apache 2 License.
- Make sure you have sbt installed and in your path. If not, see
- cd akka-web-template
- sbt (which will bring you to an sbt prompt)
- update
- compile
- container:start
- In a browser, visit http://localhost:8080/
- container:stop (to stop the servlet container)
You'll probably want to make changes in the following files:
- build.sbt (this is where you'll set your project name, your name, the scala version, and so forth)
- project/plugins.sbt (this is where you'll set the xsbt-web-plugin version)
- src/main/resources/application.conf (this is where all of the Akka-specific settings are.)
- src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml (this is where jetty (or whatever container you're using) gets configured; even money, you'll want to add some other servlets and change the url-pattern mapping for the AkkaServlet)
- src/main/scala/AkkaWebTemplate.scala (this is a simple hello-world style example. Expect to replace it entirely)
- The Akka version is hard-coded to 2.0.4. If you want to change that, you'll need to change build.sbt and src/main/resources/akka.conf
- The Boot.scala file is no longer required in Akka 2.0 if you need fault tolerance please see the
- ActorCall.scala contains some boilerplate code to make actor calls
- Updated to sbt 0.12.1, akka 2.0.4, jersey 1.15, Servlet 3.0.1, Jetty 8.1.8 [cspellmann]
- Updated to akka 2.0.1 [cspellmann]
- Updated to sbt 0.11, akka 1.3.1, scala 2.9.1 [cspellmann]
- Closed #1 and #2 [MattBowen]
- initial commit [MattBowen]