This is a React application that provides a front end for the Carbon Interface Estimates API.
It is deployed here.
There is a limit of 200 api requests per month. The api/app will return an error if this monthly limit has already been exceeded.
- Vite
- React 18
- Vercel Analytics
- Typescript
- Formik
- Yup
- iso3166-2-db (for standardized international country / region codes)
- airport-iata-codes
- react-pro-sidebar
- Material UI v5
- Sass CSS compiler
- Postman (api has a Collection that is useful for development )
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Copy sample.env to .env
cp sample.env .env
- Get an api key and enter it into the .env file
- Start the app
yarn dev
- You should see a Vite message in the terminal
- Command / click on the Local: http://localhost:5173/ link