Analytics abstraction layer for Kotlin inspired by Umbrella.
As you can see it is really simple to log with different analytics with a simple function:
val analytics = Raincoat<MyEvent>()
Using Kotlin
sealed class we can easily setup all things that we will have to track:
sealed class MyEvent : EventType {
class #(username: String) : MyEvent()
class Register(username: String, password: String) : MyEvent()
override fun name(provider: ProviderType): String? {
return when (this) {
is # -> "#"
is Register -> "register"
override fun parameters(provider: ProviderType): HashMap<String, Any>? {
return when (this) {
is # -> {
is Register -> {
hashMapOf("username" to this.username, "password" to this.password))
At this very moment we developed the following built-in providers:
In order to use them, you have to add to your project the library of the provider, otherwise the build will fail.
You can easily create your own providers, you can use this for reference:
class MixpanelProvider(private val context: Context, private val projectToken: String) : ProviderType {
override var className = Class.forName("")
override var classInstance = className.getDeclaredMethod("getInstance",,
override var classFunction = className.getDeclaredMethod("track",,
init {
classInstance?.let {
// get context
try {
it.invoke(className, context, projectToken)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Raincoat", e.localizedMessage)
override fun log(eventName: String, parameters: HashMap<String, Any>?) {
try {
classFunction.invoke(classInstance, eventName, JSONObject(parameters))
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Raincoat", e.localizedMessage)
Add to your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
then add the repository
compile 'com.github.matteocrippa:Raincoat:master-SNAPSHOT'
Raincoat is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.