This library is meant to be used for logging purposes on the AXOOM Platform and sends log output to the console (stdout).
It uses NLog.Extensions.Logging as logprovider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
and extends it with:
- standardized AXOOM log layout
- predefined AXOOM configuration
- GELF logging format
- extensions for
which hide the parametereventId
You can add this library to your project using NuGet.
dotnet add package Axoom.Extensions.Logging.Console
General usage of the Microsoft Logging Framework: Introduction to Logging in .NETCore
To use the AXOOM logging provider call the provider's extension method on an instance of ILoggerFactory
or ILoggingBuilder
, as shown in the following example:
public void ConfigureLogging(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var loggerFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>();
loggerFactory.AddAxoomConsole(new ConsoleLoggerOptions());
Name | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
Format | Gelf | Gelf, Plain | Sets the logging format |
Async | true | true, false | see |
All AXOOM assets are running with docker. As we are collecting all logs in a centralized system, we need information about the running container which produces these logs.
And here comes the problem with plain logs:
Docker is not able to handle multi-line logs, e.g. if a log event contains a stackstrace, because it interprets each line as a new log event.
Therefore we've decided to produce json logs. To have a minimum set of information per log event we have decided to use the Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF)
For development purposes you can switch the format to Plain
Run build.ps1
to compile the source code and package the library as a NuGet package.
This script takes a version number as an input argument. The source code itself contains no version numbers. Instead version numbers should be determined at build time using GitVersion.
- Your pull request has to provide unit tests!
- Document any public interface method and property. At least:
- Method: Summary, param
- Property: Summary