stuff with eksctl, helm etc.
bin/eksler create eu-west-1 test-1 ipv6 1.22 1
- [EKS] [request]: Managed Nodes scale to 0 - aws/containers-roadmap#724
- [EKS] [request]: create managed nodegroups without scaling one instance when minimum is 0 - aws/containers-roadmap#1684
- autoscaler uses nodegroups which are not healthy - kubernetes/autoscaler#4751
- memory usage increases heavily with pods - kubernetes/autoscaler#4746
scale-down-delay-after-add: 5m # helmer: NOTE: nodegroup is being created it is being registered etc in nodegroup, so do not scaledown immediately
predicate checking error: node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity; predicateName=NodeAffinity; reasons: node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity; debugInfo= - kubernetes/autoscaler#4052 kubernetes/autoscaler#3802 Cluster Autoscaler does not start new nodes when Taints and NodeSelector are used in EKS -
[EKS/Fargate] Support for Wildcard * Namespaces aws/containers-roadmap#621
kubectl delete pod -n prometheus-1 -l app=prometheus,component=server
eksler create eu-north-1 ipv6|ipv4
- create ipv6 or ipv4 clusters without yamleksler list
- lists all clusters in all regionseksler delete
- ensures cluster deletion even when cloudformation failseksler with eu-north-1 mycluster list
- lists all nodegroupseksler with eu-north-1 mycluster create
pin down AMI version without yaml--volumeIOPS
without yaml
eksler with eu-north-1 mycluster kubectl get pod
export KUBECONFIG=$(eksler with eu-north-1 mycluster kubeconfig:path)
- without yaml
- sets root password to
for ec2 serial console access when SSM or SSH etc is not accessible - installs
htop iotop nano screen bind-utils
to the host for faster debugging - great & tested configs for cluster-autoscaler, ingress-nginx, aws-load-balancer-controller and prometheus
- output shows elapsed seconds
- runs commands until they succeed
- parallel creation / deletion of nodegroups
- pin down vpc-cni, coredns and kube-proxy versions instead of latest
bin/eksler delete $REGION $CLUSTER bin/eksler with $REGION $CLUSTER pool 1 all-1-pre create
POOLS="bot-1-pre bot-2-pre bot-3-pre" POOL_REFRESH=no bin/main eu-north-1 eka-1 ipv6 1
- does topologySpreadConstraints work with skew 1
- cross-zone load balancing
- call ec2-instance-selector to fetch a list and use it --> deprecate eksctl instance selector
- if only 2 zones are available during cluster creation time, those will be the zones (?)
- metrics server has emptydir which prevents ca remove --> "fixed" by ignoring emptydirs in cluster-autoscaler
6.8gb used disk after bot
POOLS_REFRESH=yes POOLS="x-1-pre t-64-128-pre-p4-1" bin/test-main eu-north-1 sixtyfour ipv6 1 1.21 POOLS_REFRESH=yes POOLS="x-1-pre t-96-192-pre-p3-1" bin/test-main eu-north-1 ninetysix ipv6 1 1.21 POOLS_REFRESH=yes bin/test-main eu-north-1 sixtyfour-ninetysix ipv6 1 1.21
bin/test-cluster eu-north-1 test-1 ipv6 1.22
bin/test-nodes eu-north-1 test-1
bin/test-test eu-north-1 test-1 ipv6