Create a MySQL database using structure.sql or data_and_structure.sql in
folder. -
Change jdbc url in
/NetBeans Project/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
Change database username and password in
/NetBeans Project/src/java/listener/WebAppContextListener.java
DBManager manager = new DBManager(dburl + "?user=username&password=yourpassword");
Get a Google API Key for Google Maps and replace GOOGLEAPIKEY with your Key in files:
NetBeans Project/web/autoCompletamento.jsp NetBeans Project/web/listaProdotti.jsp NetBeans Project/web/listaProdottiVuota.jsp NetBeans Project/web/negozio.jsp
Open the NetBeans Project folder in NetBeans.
Add the libraries inside
folder to the Netbeans project. -
Run the project and if you have Tomcat it should deploy and start.
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