A set of scripts for easily building a set of Debian/Ubuntu packages. Currently the scripts are highly OpenVPN-specific, and therefore patches that improve and make these scripts more general purpose are most welcome!
Note that all scripts should be run from the sbuild_wrapper base directory, e.g.
$ scripts/update-all.sh
Before you start using sbuild_wrapper you should familiarize yourself with the basics of Debian packaging, sbuild and schroot:
If you're not familiar with these tools and technologies you will run into trouble.
Use a recent Debian or Ubuntu version as the build rig, or you will run into various troubles during the prepare-all.sh phase. For example, building Debian 8 packages on Debian 7 will require the use of a backported iproute2 package, which conflicts with ifupdown package, which causes the network configuration on the build computer to break, unless it is a desktop computer using NetworkManager.
Check out sbuild_wrapper code from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/OpenVPN/sbuild_wrapper.git
Configuration of sbuild_wrapper involves running a some scripts and (possibly) editing some configuration files.
First run "scripts/setup.sh" which generates a few directories required by the scripts.
This file determines which platforms to build packages for. It's syntax is simple:
<osfamily> <lsbdistcodename> <architecture>
For example:
debian wheezy i386
ubuntu precise amd64
As described below, you need to have a corresponding debootstrap file for every operating system variant you define in variants.conf.
This file determines which directories the scripts use. Typically you should not need to modify this file.
This file determines the release and build numbers. It should be updated whenever a new release or build is made. Alternatively the version information can be defined on the command-line (see below).
Before you can build anything you need to setup chroots using sbuild. First of all, you will need a debootstrap script for the operating system you're creating the chroot for. You can easily check if your target platforms are already supported by your operating system's debootstrap scripts:
$ ls /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts
If you don't find the target OS from the above directory you need to get the appropriate bootstrap file from Debian unstable. First find out what the latest version of debootstrap in Debian is:
Next download latest debootstrap source tarball:
$ wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_<version>.tar.gz
$ tar -zxf debootstrap_<version>.tar.gz
If you were adding Ubuntu 14.04 ("Trust Tahr"), you'd do a check like this:
$ ls -l debootstrap-<version>/scripts/trusty
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 oct 21 18:06 debootstrap-<version>/scripts/trusty -> gutsy
As can be seen, "trusty" is just a symbolic link to "gutsy", so it's enough to add a new symbolic link:
$ cd /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/
$ ln -s gutsy trusty
If the file for your target platform is not a symbolic link, copy the debootstrap script to /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ on the build computer.
Once debootstrap is configured properly you can create the schroot. Go to the sbuild_wrapper directory, add a new variant to "config/variants.conf" (see below for syntax) and then setup the new schroot(s):
$ scripts/setup_chroots.sh
This command will generate schroots for all the operating system variants defined in "config/variants.conf". If an schroot already exists the script notices that and does not try to (re)create it.
You can verify that the schroots got created with this command:
$ schroot -l|grep sbuild|grep source
This should display a bunch of schroots, for example something like this:
--- snip ---
Finally you need ensure that OpenVPN can be built inside the schroot. This can be done with
$ scripts/install-build-deps.sh
Before building update all the packages in the schroots:
$ cd <sbuild_wrapper_dir>
$ scripts/update-all.sh
While the schroots are updating you can update the Debian changelog file:
Make sure that the version header matches PROGRAM_VERSION and PACKAGE_VERSION variables set in version.conf. For example in
openvpn (2.4_alpha2-debian0) stable; urgency=medium
the word "debian" will be replaced with "jessie", "xenial" or such, depending on the values in variants.conf. If a matching changelog entry is not found, the prepare_all.sh script will exit with an error.
You can generate Debian-compatible change entries using this Git magic:
$ git log --pretty=short --abbrev-commit --format=" * %s (%an, %h)" <old>...<new>
If you need to add patches, then do so at this point.
Next update the PROGRAM_VERSION and PACKAGE_VERSION variables in <sbuild_wrapper_dir>/config/version.conf. After this you can update the sources which sbuild will use:
$ cd <sbuild_wrapper_basedir>
$ scripts/prepare-all.sh
Finally you can build on all platforms:
$ cd <sbuild_wrapper_basedir>
$ scripts/build-all.sh
Alternatively you can define version information on the command-line, if you need to build several OpenVPN versions using the same sbuild_wrapper:
$ cd <sbuild_wrapper_basedir>
$ PROGRAM_VERSION=2.3.12 PACKAGE_VERSION=0 scripts/prepare-all.sh
$ PROGRAM_VERSION=2.3.12 PACKAGE_VERSION=0 scripts/build-all.sh
$ PROGRAM_VERSION=2.4_alpha2 PACKAGE_VERSION=0 scripts/prepare-all.sh
$ PROGRAM_VERSION=2.4_alpha2 PACKAGE_VERSION=0 scripts/build-all.sh
The above commands would build both 2.3.12 and 2.4_alpha2.
You can also customize the patch series file to use in prepare-all.sh:
$ PROGRAM_VERSION=2.3.14 PACKAGE_VERSION=0 PATCH_SERIES=series-2.3 scripts/prepare-all.sh
$ PROGRAM_VERSION=2.3.14 PACKAGE_VERSION=0 scripts/build-all.sh
This can be useful when the same patch will not work on different OpenVPN versions. The series file is looked for from packaging/<lsbdistcodename>/debian/patches/.
The produced .deb files can be found from the "output" directory. They are also packaged into "output.tar.gz" file at <sbuild_wrapper_basedir>.
Patches are applied manually with quilt. First copy the patch in openvpn-<version>/debian/patches. Then create or modify the series file (openvpn-<version>/debian/patches/series) to include the new patch. Finally apply the patch:
$ cd openvpn-<version>
$ QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt series
$ QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt next
$ QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt push
There are more details here.
I prefer to use freight for apt repository management: Copy the output.tar.gz to the apt repository host and run "scripts/freight-add-many.py" there. If freight is properly configured that's all you need to do.