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Meal Planner: App Service

Web interface via NextJS server

This TypeScript service is part of the Meal Planner project.

Local Development


Configure the project:

cp .env.example .env
edit .env

Then install the dependencies and run app in development mode:

yarn install
yarn dev

Deploy to Production

# Configure Docker CLI
eval $(minikube docker-env) # Or "minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression" on Windows

# Build Docker image
docker build -t app-service .

# Deploy via infrastructure repository

Github Actions

For Docker image builds with Github Actions you must configure the following secrets:

  • DOCKER_HOST: domain name for custom registry, leave blank to use Docker Hub
  • DOCKER_USERNAME: username for registry authentication
  • DOCKER_PASSWORD: password for registry authentication
  • DOCKER_REPOSITORY: the repository/user and image name, for example: meal-planner/app-service