Hi people! I'm creating this income tax calculator webpage which will help you to get idea about what will be your tax liability for your income. I have tried to make a basic calculator for now, and will be exploring more to add more features and enhance the existing appearance.
Simply download the Tax-Calculator.html file which contains the script and basic html view. Open the file in browser. It will initially contain just a box with 3 input boxes and a submit button. You can click submit button with empty values as well. After clicking the button you will see a graph populated with X-axis coordinates from 250k to 4250k. Graph points will be populated with a difference of 10k (for x-axis). Those points will be for both new regime and old regime. Hover on the points, they will give you better idea.
Now, insert the values in any of the three input boxes above, and click submit button again. This will give you graph will updated tax calculations. This will help you to compare which regime is suited for you, what additions in deductions can help you to use old regime, thus helping you in better tax planning.
In case you want new features, please feel free to raise feature requests. If there are issues with the calculations, please raise an issue for same.
Thanks for visiting the page.