- rgb color picker
- Export in different formats
- rgb
- hex
- hsl
- Transparency support for picking, previewing and exporting
- Export in different formats
- Lighten and darken colors
- Convert colors to greyscale or something between the color and it's grey version
- Pick a color on a gradient between two colors
- Export from any of the mentioned tools above to other ones
- Replace color under cursor
- Some utilities for css colors
- List Colors
Use you favourite package manager and call the setup function.
use {
cmd = "Colortils",
config = function()
You can change the settings by passing options to the setup function. This is the default configuration:
-- Register in which color codes will be copied
register = "+",
-- Preview for colors, if it contains `%s` this will be replaced with a hex color code of the color
color_preview = "█ %s",
-- The default in which colors should be saved
-- This can be hex, hsl or rgb
default_format = "hex",
-- String: default color if no color is found
default_color = "#000000",
-- Border for the float
border = "rounded",
-- Some mappings which are used inside the tools
mappings = {
-- increment values
increment = "l",
-- decrement values
decrement = "h",
-- increment values with bigger steps
increment_big = "L",
-- decrement values with bigger steps
decrement_big = "H",
-- set values to the minimum
min_value = "0",
-- set values to the maximum
max_value = "$",
-- save the current color in the register specified above with the format specified above
set_register_default_format = "<cr>",
-- save the current color in the register specified above with a format you can choose
set_register_choose_format = "g<cr>",
-- replace the color under the cursor with the current color in the format specified above
replace_default_format = "<m-cr>",
-- replace the color under the cursor with the current color in a format you can choose
replace_choose_format = "g<m-cr>",
-- export the current color to a different tool
export = "E",
-- set the value to a certain number (done by just entering numbers)
set_value = "c",
-- toggle transparency
transparency = "T",
-- choose the background (for transparent colors)
choose_background = "B",
-- quit window
quit_window = { "q", "<esc>" }
The row on which you are currently is highlighted with ColortilsCurrentLine
You can modify that to change the way the tools look.
Supported formats are the following:
(both with percentage and absolute values, e.g.rgb(255, 255, 0)
/rgb(100%, 100%, 0%, 0.5)
(hsl(60, 100%, 50%)
,hsla(60, 100%, 50%, 0.4)
)- Css color names (only as argument)
You can use the different tools with commands.
Those take the format Colortils <tool> <color>
The color can be any of the supported formats.
Notice that symbols like #
, %
and space need to be escaped like e.g. this \#FF00AB
If no valid color is provided as argument the color under the cursor (if available) will be used. If there isn't any found the user will be asked for input (notice that you don't need to escape characters there).
You can use h
and the mappings specified in the config to increment and decrement values or pick a position on a gradient.
With 0
and $
to go to the minimum and the maximum values instantly.
With q
you can close the tools.
With most tools you can use <cr>
to save the currently selected color to the register speicified in the config.
If this isn't the case or something is special it will be written below.
You can use g<cr>
to get a prompt in which you can choose the format.
With <m-cr>
you can replace the color under the cursor instead of copying into a register.
You can use E
to export the currently selected color to a different tool and modify it there.
You can use T
to toggle transparency mode.
This will add another slider where you can choose the transparency.
The preview and the color you'll export will change accordingly.
You can use B
to change the background which is used to produce the transparent colors.
Colortils picker <color>
You can use <cr>
to save the color into the register specified in the config.
The default format (specified in the config) will be used.
You can use g<cr>
to get prompted to choose a color format in which the color then will be saved to the register.
Colortils lighten <color>
Colortils darken <color>
Colortils greyscale <color>
Colortils gradient <color1> <color2>
Colortils css list
This plugin has some things which are similar to vim-colortemplate.
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