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Marco Pasini marcoppasini
Artificial Intelligence is pretty cool.

Queen Mary University of London London, UK

Scusk Rimsi yoyolicoris
I'm a Djentle man. When I hear 0000000 I click like.


Huan Zhang anusfoil
Annushka has already bought the sunflower oil, and has not only bought it, but has already spilled it. So the meeting will not take place.

Center for Digital Music London

Julien Guinot Pliploop
Music Nut, Music&AI PhD student @QMUL / Universal Music Group

Queen Mary University of London London

Yuzhe Yang YyzHarry
Assistant Professor @ UCLA. PhD @ MIT.

UCLA, Google Mountain View

Jakob Troidl jakobtroidl
Harvard CS PhD candidate working on Visualization and Machine Learning for Neuroscience. Visting Researcher @TuragaLab

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Alex Williams alexjameswilliams
PhD researcher in AI and Music at QMUL, in collaboration with Sony CSL;

Queen Mary University of London UK

Hyon Kim Hyon0930
Ph.D. candidate of MTG, UPF
Corey Ford thecoreyford
| PhD Researcher in AI, HCI and Music | MRes Data Science | BSc (Hons) Creative Music Technology |

Maidenhead, Berkshire

Centre for Digital Music c4dm
The Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary, University of London
Aditya Bhattacharjee chymaera96
Computer Science Engineer interested in MIR research and SMC.

Queen Mary University of London London

Jingjing Tang tangjjbetsy
Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and Music at Center for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London @aim-qmul 📮

Queen Mary University of London London

hardmaru hardmaru
I make simple things with neural networks.


Sudara sudara

Vienna, Austria

Andrew McPherson apmcpherson
Professor of Design Engineering and Music, Imperial College London. Leader of the Augmented Instruments Laboratory (

Imperial College London London, UK

Jack Armitage jarmitage
Medium Designer creating Tölvera

Afhverju Ekki Reykjavík, Iceland

Lil Data lil-data
Putting the C in PC Music
Jeff Delaney codediodeio
GDE. Creator of @fireship-io

Fireship LLC Phoenix, AZ

Luca Marinelli marinelliluca
PhD student at the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music, Queen Mary University of London.


Lele Liu cheriell
Music+AI Researcher

Universität Würzburg Würzburg, Germany

Emmanouil Benetos emmanouilb
Reader in Machine Listening @c4dm Queen Mary University of London and Turing Fellow @alan-turing-institute

Queen Mary University of London London, UK

Brian Foo beefoo
If I'm committing on behalf of the Library of Congress, it will be as

New York, NY

Dilmer Valecillos ᯅ dilmerv
Lead Engineer C#, C++, Python, Unity & coding lover. Microsoft MVP Teaching AR/VR/Programming 🥽 founder & big believer of open-source.

Learn XR / Dilmer Games Salt Lake City, US

Yazhou li630925405
La isla a mediodía; PhD researcher @c4dm

Queen Mary University of London London, United Kingdom

Joseph Malloch malloch
Researcher in Human-Computer Interaction, Sound & Music Computing, and other stuff.

Dalhousie University Halifax, Canada

Julian Storer julianstorer
Developer/founder in the audio tech industry since the '90s. Some notable things that I've created include @Tracktion, @juce-framework and @cmajor-lang

@Tracktion @cmajor-lang London, UK

Kit Zellerbach kitzeller
B.S. in Computer Science with minors in Data Science and Astrophysics. M.S. in Interactive Media. Software Engineer at Microsoft.

Microsoft Seattle, WA

Keijiro Takahashi keijiro

Unity Technologies Japan Japan

Giaggia GLepri
Specialised in not being specialised - music, sonic interaction design, play, illusions and magic.

London (kind of..)

Angeliki Mourgela amourgela

Queen Mary University of London London

Woosung Choi ws-choi
Woosung Choi


Xavier Riley xavriley
PhD student at QMUL working on Music and AI
Sam Bilbow sambilbow
Ph.D. Music Technologies // XR & Audio Software Developer // Experimental musician, creative programmer.

Norwich, UK

Soumya Sai Vanka sai-soum
PhD researcher in Automatic Mixing at Centre for Digital Music, QMUL.

@aim_qmul United Kingdom

Teresa Pelinski pelinski
phd researcher in ai and music @aim-qmul @BelaPlatform | augmented instruments lab | centre for digital music @c4dm || lecturer @ creative computing institute

Queen Mary University of London London

PhD researcher in AI and Music at Queen Mary University of London

London, UK

Saurjya Sarkar saurjya
Postdoctoral Researcher in AI & Music

Queen Mary University of London London