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Max Kowalski edited this page Oct 25, 2019 · 3 revisions

An rclone config generator tool is included. To use it ;-

Edit the variables at the top of the script


If you already have a remote configured you can copy the details from there for a Client Secret Token auth method. Otherwise auth a single remote using rclone config and copy the details into the other remotes afterwards.

If you are using service files for your auth just leave the client_id, client_secret, and token as is, you won't need them. Just make sure the path to the service files you wish to use is correct. Service files are expected to be named 1.json, 2.json...57.json etc. 1 json file will be used for each remote. If you have already used a number of these for existing remotes you may simply edit the sa.count file to begin at any number you wish. Each service account can download a maximum of 10 TB per 24 hours so even using the same service account file for each mount is unlikely to be a problem.

For information on creating a series of service accounts see sa-guide and the tool at sa-gen.

chmod +x

Then run the generator with a referenced setfile, eg:-.

./ set.mount

Two files will be produced, rc_sa.config and rc_cid.config. You can use those to copy paste into your existing rclone config file. If you use the Client ID / Secret method you will need to add a valid token to each remote. Once in place you can run through rclone config and reauth a remote to get a token.

You can use checkrcmount to make sure your remotes are all authorised.

A simple

$rclone lsd remote:

Will list directories in a single remote to enable authorisation verification.

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