Releases: maxkeppeler/sheets
Releases · maxkeppeler/sheets
- (Input) Use CharSequence instead of String
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✨ General documentation, resources and setup samples and more
Sheets-Compose-Dialogs General Documentation
Sheets v2.3.0
- clock_time module was renamed to clock (ClockSheet)
- time module was renamed to duration (DurationSheet)
- Fix InputEditText resultListener issue where resultListener returns previous changed value when dialog is closed quickly
- Add suffix and custom drawable tint to InputEditText
Internal changes
- Uses now Kotlin DSL
- Dependencies updates
- Generate API documentation
Compose Version
Compose Version is now public
Sheets v2.2.9
- Fix vertical alignment for a list of options
- Fix time calculation for 12h time format for the listener
- Use compile and target SDK 33
Sheets v2.2.8
- Support for dynamic drawables for negative and positive buttons
- Removed unused resources
- Add info header section to OptionsSheet (icon and text as in InfoSheet)
Sheets v2.2.7
- Dependencies updates
- Setter for negative and positive button colors (All sheets)
- Style attributes for negative and positive button colors (All sheets)
- Fixed color selection and improve check button visibility in ColorSheet
- Added multiple date selection option for CalendarSheet
- Sync calendar date in CalendarSheet
- Added min/max selection validation
- Replace String with Charsequence in InfoSheet for contentText
Thanks to the contributors!
Sheets v2.2.6
All Sheets
- Added method to set NavBar color
- Other fixes
- Fixed issue where the ChangeListener was not invoked when the preselected index is the same as the clicked item
- Added method to prevent default icon tint
- Remove upper range limit
- Fixed crash when sheet is closed very quickly after it was shown
- Added methods for using a custom view
- Fixed timezone issue
Sheets v2.2.5
All Sheets
- Fixed padding for SheetStyle.DIALOG on Android 11
- Added method to set visibility of negative and positive button
- Added method to enable / disable drag gesture for bottom-sheets
- Other fixes
Sheets v2.2.4
- New: Custom 'today' date
- New: Custom selected date / custom selected date range
- New: Use LocalDate or Calendar to set default dates
- Changed: If the input is reuqired, but no label was used, the reuired "*" indicator will be added to the hint.
- Added: More constructors to set up an option. Options can now just consist of texts.
Sheets v2.2.3
- New: InputCustom - Add your own type of input with your own view.