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WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced - A simple wrapper around the PayPal Payments Advanced web service


version 0.000028


use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;
my $payments = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new(
        password => 'seekrit',
        user     => 'username',
        vendor   => 'somevendor',

my $response = $payments->create_secure_token(
        AMT            => 100,
        TRXTYPE        => 'S',
        BILLINGTYPE    => 'MerchantInitiatedBilling',
        CANCELURL      => '',
        ERRORURL       => '',
        L_BILLINGTYPE0 => 'MerchantInitiatedBilling',
        NAME           => 'Chuck Norris',
        RETURNURL      => '',

my $uri = $response->hosted_form_uri;

# Store token data for later use.  You'll need to implement this yourself.
    token    => $response->secure_token,
    token_id => $response->secure_token_id,

# Later, when PayPal returns a silent POST or redirects the user to your
# return URL:

my $redirect_response = $payments->get_response_from_redirect(
    ip_address => $ip,
    params     => $params,

# Fetch the tokens from the original request. You'll need to implement
# this yourself.

my $thawed = $foo->get_thawed_tokens(...);

# Don't do anything until you're sure the tokens are ok.
if (   $thawed->secure_token ne $redirect->secure_token
    || $thawed->secure_token_id ne $response->secure_token_id ) {
    die 'Fraud!';

# Everything looks good.  Carry on!

print $response->secure_token;


This is a wrapper around the "PayPal Payments Advanced" (AKA "PayPal Payflow Link") hosted forms. This code does things like facilitating secure token creation, providing an URL which you can use to insert an hosted_form into your pages and processing the various kinds of response you can get from PayPal.

We also use various exception classes to make it easier for you to decide how to handle the parts that go wrong.


The following parameters can be supplied to new() when creating a new object.

Required Parameters


The value of the password field you use when logging in to the Payflow Manager. (You'll probably want to create a specific user just for API calls).


The value of the user field you use when logging in to the Payflow Manager.


The value of the vendor field you use when logging in to the Payflow Manager.

Optional Parameters


An arrayref of result codes that will be treated as non-fatal (i.e., that will not cause an exception). By default, only 0 is considered non-fatal, but depending on your integration, other codes such as 112 (failed AVS check) may be considered non-fatal.


The value of the partner field you use when logging in to the Payflow Manager. Defaults to PayPal.


The hostname for the Payflow Pro API. This is where token creation requests get directed. This already has a sensible (and correct) default, but it is settable so that you can more easily mock API calls when testing.


The hostname for the Payflow Link website. This is the hosted service where users will enter their payment information. This already has a sensible (and correct) default, but it is settable in case you want to mock it while testing.


This is a Boolean. Set this to true if when you are ready to process real transactions. Defaults to false.


You may provide your own UserAgent, but it must be of the LWP::UserAgent family. If you do provide a UserAgent, be sure to set a sensible timeout value. Requests to the web service frequently run 20-30 seconds.

This can be useful for debugging. You'll be able to get detailed information about the network calls which are being made.

use LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy qw( debug_ua );
use LWP::UserAgent;
use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent;

my $payments
    = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new( ua => $ua, ... );

# Now fire up a console and watch your network activity.

Check the tests which accompany this distribution for an example of how to mock API calls using Test::LWP::UserAgent.


Boolean. If enabled, this module will attempt to GET the uri which you'll be providing to the end user. This can help you identify issues on the PayPal side. This is helpful because you'll be able to log exceptions thrown by this method and deal with them accordingly. If you disable this option, you'll need to rely on end users to report issues which may exist within PayPal's hosted pages. Defaults to true.


Boolean. Sets VERBOSITY=HIGH on all transactions if enabled. Defaults to true.



Create a secure token which you can use to create a hosted form uri. Returns a WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response::SecureToken object.

The first parameter holds the key/value parameters for the request. The second parameter is optional and holds parameters to the underlying WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response::SecureToken object, which is useful to set attributes such as retry_attempts and retry_callback.

use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;
my $payments = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new(...);

my $response = $payments->create_secure_token(
        AMT            => 100,
        TRXTYPE        => 'S',
        BILLINGTYPE    => 'MerchantInitiatedBilling',
        CANCELURL      => '',
        ERRORURL       => '',
        L_BILLINGTYPE0 => 'MerchantInitiatedBilling',
        NAME           => 'Chuck Norris',
        RETURNURL      => ''

print $response->secure_token;


This method can be used to parse responses from PayPal to your return URL. It's essentially a wrapper around WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response::FromRedirect. Returns a WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response object.

my $response = $payments->get_response_from_redirect(
    params     => $params,
print $response->message;


This method can be used to validate responses from PayPal to your silent POST url. If you provide an ip_address parameter, it will be validated against a list of known IPs which PayPal provides. You're encouraged to provide an IP address in order to prevent spoofing of payment responses. See WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response::FromSilentPOST for more information on this behaviour.

This method returns a WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response::FromSilentPost::PayPal object for PayPal transactions. It returns a WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response::FromSilentPost::CreditCard object for credit card transactions. You can either inspect the class returned to you or use the is_credit_card_transaction or is_paypal_transaction methods to learn which method the customer paid with. Both methods return a Boolean.

my $response = $payments->get_response_from_redirect(
    ip_address => $ip,
    params     => $params,
print $response->message. "\n";
if ( $response->is_credit_card_transaction ) {
    print $response->card_type, q{ }, $response->card_expiration;


Generic method to post arbitrary params to PayPal. Requires a HashRef of parameters and returns a WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response object. Any lower case keys will be converted to upper case before this response is sent. The second parameter is an optional HashRef. If provided, it defines attributes to pass to the WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced::Response::SecureToken object.

use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;
my $payments = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new(...);

my $response = $payments->post( { TRXTYPE => 'V', ORIGID => $pnref, } );
say $response->message;

# OR
my $response = $payments->post( { trxtype => 'V', origid => $pnref, } );

capture_delayed_transaction( $ORIGID, [$AMT] )

Captures a sale which you have previously authorized. Requires the ID of the original transaction. If you wish to capture an amount which is not equal to the original authorization amount, you'll need to pass an amount as the second parameter. Returns a response object.

auth_from_credit_card_reference_transaction( $ORIGID, $amount, $extra )

Process a authorization based on a reference transaction from a credit card. Requires 2 arguments: an ORIGID from a previous credit card transaction and an amount. Any additional parameters can be passed via a HashRef as an optional 3rd argument.

use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;
my $payments = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new(...);

my $response = $payments->auth_from_credit_card_reference_transaction(
    'BFOOBAR', 1.50', { INVNUM => 'FOO123' }
say $response->message;

sale_from_credit_card_reference_transaction( $ORIGID, $amount )

Process a sale based on a reference transaction from a credit card. See Requires 2 arguments: an ORIGID from a previous credit card transaction and an amount. Any additional parameters can be passed via a HashRef as an optional 3rd argument.

use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;
my $payments = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new(...);

my $response = $payments->sale_from_credit_card_reference_transaction(
    'BFOOBAR', 1.50', { INVNUM => 'FOO123' }
say $response->message;

auth_from_paypal_reference_transaction( $BAID, $amount, $currency, $extra )

Process an authorization based on a reference transaction from PayPal. Requires 3 arguments: a BAID from a previous PayPal transaction, an amount and a currency. Any additional parameters can be passed via a HashRef as the optional fourth argument.

use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;
my $payments = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new(...);

my $response = $payments->auth_from_paypal_reference_transaction(
    'B-FOOBAR', 1.50, 'USD', { INVNUM => 'FOO123' }
say $response->message;

sale_from_paypal_reference_transaction( $BAID, $amount, $currency, $extra )

Process a sale based on a reference transaction from PayPal. Requires 3 arguments: a BAID from a previous PayPal transaction, an amount and a currency. Any additional parameters can be passed via a HashRef as an optional fourth argument.

use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;
my $payments = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new(...);

my $response = $payments->sale_from_paypal_reference_transaction(
    'B-FOOBAR', 1.50, 'USD', { INVNUM => 'FOO123' }
say $response->message;

refund_transaction( $origid, [$amount] )

Refunds (credits) a previous transaction. Requires the ORIGID and an optional AMT. If no amount is provided, the entire transaction will be refunded.

inquiry_transaction( $HashRef )

Performs a transaction inquiry on a previously submitted transaction. Requires the ID of the original transaction. Returns a response object.

use WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced;
my $payments = WebService::PayPal::PaymentsAdvanced->new(...);

my $inquiry = $payments->inquiry_transaction(
    { ORIGID => 'FOO123', TENDER => 'C', }
say $response->message;

void_transaction( $ORIGID )

Voids a previous transaction. Requires the ID of the transaction to void. Returns a response object.


The official Payflow Gateway Developer Guide and Reference


Bugs may be submitted through


Olaf Alders



This software is copyright (c) 2022 by MaxMind, Inc.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.