Minimalistic framework for artificial skin simulation on NAO Humanoid Robot with ROS Melodic and Gazebo 9.
This package requires ROS Melodic, Gazebo 9 and several NAO packages. Please refer to corresponding manuals for ROS and Gazebo installation instructions.
package is available via official ROS Melodic package
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-nao-meshes
Other required NAO packages, you will have to install to your Catkin workspace via git repositories:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ..
source ./devel/
Package nao-skin
comes with two launch files, for low and high resolution
artificial skin:
roslaunch nao_skin nao_skin_lowres.launch
roslaunch nao_skin nao_skin_highres.launch
Both files launch standard Gazebo empty_world
and spawn corresponding
NAO model, with contact sensor plugin and position controllers.
To control the robot manually, you can use the following GUI tool:
rosrun rqt_ez_publisher rqt_ez_publisher --force-discover
After the first launch, load configuration from
Contact sensor plugin publishes information about skin touches to the following ROS topics:
This framework is a continuation of my bachelor thesis. You can download PDF
version here. The thesis includes
motivation behind the research, motivation behind the augmentations made
to default NAO robot urdf
code etc.