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nextjs nextauth pocketbase

This repository is a proof of concept how to integrate the tech stack nextjs, nextauth (frontend) and pocketbase (backend).

The backend pocketbase should be repsonible to authenticate the user via OAuth providers and / or credentials.

Pocketbase return the user's authentication token.

The user's token authenticates all request to pocketbase.


Please submit issues and / or PRs to improve this project. Thanks!



  • Update README withe more detailed instructions
  • Add inline comments
  • Delete authprovider cookie after signin process
  • Add credentials signin
  • Add # process
  • Redirect after signin to the previous page
  • Singleton pocketbase for authenticated user (is it possible for ssr and client?)

Getting Started

Pocketbase + OAuth provider

  1. Download and start pocketbase
# download and start pocketbase
pocketbase serve
  1. Open UI and configure OAuth provider with clientID and clientSecret
# Open http://localhost:8090/_/#/settings/auth-providers
# Configure OAuth provider with clientID and clientSecret
  1. Configure the redirect uri at your oauth provider

The oauth provider redirects to this url which is an api route from nextauth

# the oauth provider's callback: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/pocketbase


  1. Create nextjs project, add nextauth, start pocketbase, configure OAuth provider(s) in pocketbase
npx create-next-app@latest [project-name] [options]
# enter project path
cd [project-name]
# install nextauth:
npm install next-auth --save
# install pocketbase javascript client
npm install pocketbase --save
  1. Add environment parameters with typescript support for nextjs

The environment parameters are used in the NexAuth OAuth configuration to request the authentication process at pocketbase.

# in the [project-name] root path
touch env.d.ts

File: env.d.ts

namespace NodeJS {
  interface ProcessEnv {
    POCKETBASE_URL: string; // the pocketbase base url "" (server side)
    NEXT_PUBLIC_POCKETBASE_URL: string; // the pocketbase base url "" (client side)
    POCKETBASE_COOKIE_NAME: string; // the cookie name to save the clicked authprovider at the nextjs signin page (/app/auth/signin/page.tsx)

Include the file env.d.tsin the file tsconfig.json:

"include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx", ".next/types/**/*.ts", "env.d.ts"],
  1. Create the file .env and add the envirionment parameters
touch .env

File: .env


  1. Create a helper for pocketbase server side
mkdir lib
touch lib/pocketbasessr.ts
  1. Create the nextauth api route which handles the callback from the oauth provider
mkdir -p "app/api/[...nextauth]"
touch "app/api/[...nextauth]/route.ts"
  1. Create the signin page
mkdir -p "app/auth/signin"
touch app/auth/signin/page.tsx
  1. Create the component AuthLink to render signin buttons for each oauth provider

Renders the authentication method (oauth provider) from pocketbase as a client component. If the user clicks on a button, a serer side action is called to create a cookie to store the authentication information (code, name)

mkdir -p "components/auth"
touch components/auth/AuthLink.tsx"
  1. Create the server side action to save a cookie

Saves a cookie with the given authentication provider by clicking the signin button in (4)

touch app/action.ts
  1. Add the next authentication options with a custom oauth provider (pocketbase)

The nextauth configuration is a custom oauth provider for pocketbase.

touch lib/authoptions.ts
  1. ... missing instructions -- to be added...


nextjs nextauth pocketbase integration







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