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Simple scraper and metadata manager for

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seeder is a data scraping and management package for It allows you to periodically scrape and store the player and match data in a relational SQL database.

Example Scraping Workflow


  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Set up the virtualenv and install the dependencies:

The dependencies and virtualenv setup is handled by running the dev script:

./dev up
  1. Check that the package passes its tests:
./dev test

dev-test: Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:46:17 EDT: INFO: Running dev-test with env:
============================================ test session starts =============================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.10, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/mike/src/
plugins: vcr-1.0.2
collected 2 items

tests/seeder/spiders/ ..                                                 [100%]

============================================= 2 passed in 0.57s ==============================================

Running A Spider

  1. Set the connection string SEEDER_DB_CONN_STR in the environment
  • This string is the fully-specified connection string to pass to sqlalchemy's create_engine function.
  • In production, the dialect, username, password, etc should all be contained in this variable and not in any VCS-tracked file like the
# for initial testing, use a sqlite (local file) database
export SEEDER_DB_CONN_STR='sqlite:///private/seeder.db' 
  1. Run the spider with the scrapy CLI or dev crawl
# Run scrapy directly
source .venv/bin/activate
scrapy crawl tennisexplorer
# Or use the convenience wrapper
./dev crawl
  1. Inspect the resulting database
  • Dump out an example record from the sqlite db file:
sqlite3 -line private/seeder.db 'select * from matches limit 1;'
    match_id = e4=[Z0
match_number = 2125759
  tournament = /eastbourne/2022/wta-women/
    match_at = 2022-06-22 17:50:00.000000
  match_type = single
   is_win_p1 = 1
   is_win_p2 = 0
 avg_odds_p1 = 2.01
 avg_odds_p2 = 1.82
          p1 = leScg3
   result_p1 = 1
     sets_p1 = 6
   score1_p1 = 6
   score2_p1 =
   score3_p1 =
   score4_p1 =
   score5_p1 =
          p2 = t5OXIo4m
   result_p2 = 0
     sets_p2 = 3
   score1_p2 = 3
   score2_p2 =
   score3_p2 =
   score4_p2 =
   score5_p2 =
  created_at = 2022-06-23 01:50:33.196037
  updated_at = 2022-06-23 01:50:33.196039
  • If you're thinking that the primary and foreign keys look funky, please note that they are binary UUID surrogate keys created from the models' natural keys, since as scrapers we do not have access to the upstream database table keys. (As a technical aside, these surrogate keys are just wannabe surrogate keys since we create them by hashing the natural keyset of a record. Implementing proper surrogate keys isn't currently in scope for this project).

Data Model

The data model is specified with sqlalchemy models in the module seeder.models.

The model is summarized in the below Entity Relational Diagram (ERD), in which the black entities are implemented and the red entities are aspirational models that are not implemented (but which would be nice to have and possible if the spider were extended).

Data Model ERD

The entities in this model are as follows:

  • Match

    • Grain: 1 row per scheduled match in the spider's watermark timespan.
    • Source Endpoints:
    • A Match contains both singles and doubles matches in a single table, differentiated by the match_type field. This is an relatively opinionated decision, but it has several advantages: (1) it reduces the number of tables to manage [i.e. there is no need for DoublesMatch, SinglesMatch, Player, Team] and (2) would still correctly handle weird shit like Canadian doubles if you were ever so inclined to want that in your database. Some people just have more fun.
    • Currently the spider just walks linearly from the /results/ page for the $SEEDER_START_DATE. (Of course you could just grab the html with a curl command like the below, but this won't scale very well in terms of human effort if you want to periodically and incrementally crawl, inspect error logs, manage schemas, replay requests, restate data, et cetera...).
    curl -O[1-31]
    • Please note that all match_at timestamps are UTC.
  • Player

    • Grain: 1 row per player or team that has had at least 1 match in the spider's watermark timespan.
    • Source Endpoints:
    • A Player record may be either a PlayerType.single or PlayerType.double, in which latter case the members of the doubles team may be retrieved with the self-referential foreign keys p1 and p2. No attempt is made to order these, since we preserve the ordering from the /doubles-team/ endpoint.
    • Please note that we currently don't crawl the /player/ or /doubles-team/ endpoints directly; we issue a skeleton record to maintain referential integrity.
  • MatchOdds

    • Grain: 1 row per odds issued per bookmaker per match.

    • Source Endpoints:

    • A MatchOdds record is a fact representing the moneyline odds issued by a bookmarker for a match, up until the match time. Since lines change arbitrarily at any time before the match begins, records for the same match/bookmaker form a timeseries of fluctuations in the odds given by that bookmarker up to the point that the closing line is issued. All timestamps here have minute-grained resolution, and there is liekly some (unknown) measurement error or delay since the data we're scraping was itself probably created by some kind of scraper... make a copy of a copy enough times, and... Yar there be monsters

    • Please note that there is currently a data quality limitation if a bookies only issues a single line (i.e. the opening line equals the closing line). The /match-detail/ page doesn't show the timestamp at which the line was issued in this case. As such, we assume the worst-case scenario and treat this as a closing line issued at the match's match_at timestamp.


Spider Watermark Configuration

The spider crawl timespan is configured such that only the match /results/ pages in the datetime interval [SEEDER_START_WATERMARK, SEEDER_STOP_WATERMARK] will be crawled and parsed, using the following parameters in

import datetime

# Set the date for which to start a match listing crawl.
# This is the date to submit in the query string to the /results/ endpoint:
SEEDER_START_DATE = datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1) 

# Set the earliest date for which the /results/ pages should be crawled
SEEDER_START_WATERMARK = datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 1) 

# Set the latest date for which the /results/ pages should be crawled
SEEDER_STOP_WATERMARK = datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1) 

If unset or set to None, the start and stop watermarks will default to a sane span of [today - 2 days, today + 3 days], respectively, which is reasonable for daily incremental crawls.

Endpoing Exclusion

The endpoints currently crawled & processed by the spider are:

  • /results/
  • /next/
  • /match-detail/

It is possible to exclude parsing or marking requests to endpoints using the SEEDER_EXCLUDE_ENDPOINTS parameter, which must be a list of strings:

# seeder/
SEEDER_EXCLUDE_ENDPOINTS = ['/match-detail/']
./dev crawl -s SEEDER_EXCLUDE_ENDPOINTS='/match-detail/'

This parameter may be useful in backfills where parsing the /match-detail/ pages (which are time-consuming to process) is not desirable for dates earlier than 2 years ago, say.


We use http caching with Scrapy's HttpCacheMiddleware, and write it to a dbm file (.scrapy/httpcache/tennisexplorer.db).

These settings are all prefixed by HTTPCACHE_ in the settings file, and are documented on the scrapy page above.

Incremental crawls of pages that are incomplete (i.e. have matches that have not yet completed) will need to disable the caching to query the server and yield new results (more on this below).

Crawling Guide

To populate and manage the database it's helpful to consider 2 distinct operations:

  • An initial data backfill in which data from a historical time range is scraped.
  • Ongoing incremental crawls in which only more recently created and/or updated data is scraped.
  1. Initial Backfill
  • To run an initial backfill to populate the data starting from some fixed point in the past up until roughly the present, starting from the stop watemark and going backwards in time:
source .venv/bin/activate
scrapy crawl tennisexplorer \
  -s SEEDER_START_WATERMARK='2021-01-01' \
  -s SEEDER_STOP_WATERMARK="$(date -v -2d '+%Y-%m-%d')" \
  -s SEEDER_START_WATERMARK="$(date -v -2d '+%Y-%m-%d')" \
  • This should produce output like the following:
scrapy crawl tennisexplorer -s SEEDER_START_DATE=2021-07-01 -s SEEDER_START_WATERMARK=2021-01-01
2022-06-17 09:09:16 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Scrapy 2.5.0 started (bot: seeder)
2022-06-17 09:09:16 [tennisexplorer] INFO: Running <class 'seeder.spiders.tennis_explorer_spider.TennisExplorerSpider'> spider over watermark span [2021-01-01 00:00:00, 2022-06-24 00:00:00] starting from 2021-07-01 00:00:00.
2022-06-17 09:09:16 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled item pipelines:
2022-06-17 09:09:16 [scrapy.core.engine] INFO: Spider opened
2022-06-17 09:09:16 [scrapy.extensions.logstats] INFO: Crawled 0 pages (at 0 pages/min), scraped 0 items (at 0 items/min)
2022-06-17 09:09:16 [scrapy.extensions.telnet] INFO: Telnet console listening on
2022-06-17 09:10:16 [scrapy.extensions.logstats] INFO: Crawled 16 pages (at 16 pages/min), scraped 13857 items (at 13857 items/min)
2022-06-17 09:11:16 [scrapy.extensions.logstats] INFO: Crawled 32 pages (at 16 pages/min), scraped 30894 items (at 17037 items/min)
  • If desired, we may crawl forwards in time by specifying the SEEDER_START_DATE to be the same as the SEEDER_START_WATERMARK. (Or similarly start the crawl in the middle of the interval by doing a bit of date arithmetic).

  • It is also possible to exclude parsing or marking requests to endpoints using the SEEDER_EXCLUDE_ENDPOINTS parameter, which must be a list of strings:

    # seeder/
    SEEDER_EXCLUDE_ENDPOINTS = ['/match-detail/']
    ./dev crawl -s SEEDER_EXCLUDE_ENDPOINTS='/match-detail/'

    This parameter may be useful in backfills where parsing the /match-detail/ pages (which are time-consuming to process) is not desirable for dates earlier than 2 years ago, say.

  1. Incremental Crawl
  • Every day (suppose), run an incremental crawl using a start watermark that overlaps slightly with the previous crawl's stop watermark.
  • The default values of the start and stop watermark of [today - 2 days, today + 3 days] are intended to be sane defaults for this use case, in which a small overlap is desirable (since we upsert records and wish to capture changes after matches are played & the results are available).
  • However, since we enable http caching with Scrapy's HttpCacheMiddleware, incremental crawls of pages that are incomplete (i.e. have matches that have not yet completed) need to disable the caching to yield new results.
  • If running on some kind of cron, this may be done for a suitable date range such as:
./dev crawl \
  -s SEEDER_START_WATERMARK="$(date -v -2d '+%Y-%m-%d')" \
  -s SEEDER_STOP_WATERMARK="$(date -v +3d '+%Y-%m-%d')"
  • After enough time has passed for matches to complete and the remote data to be finalized, the local data may be finalized as well as the http responses cached (for faster future parsing replay or database restatement) with another pass that specifies the start and stop watermarks as suitable dates in the past. In the case of daily incremental crawls, this could look like the following:
./dev crawl \
  -s SEEDER_START_WATERMARK="$(date -v -6d '+%Y-%m-%d')" \
  -s SEEDER_STOP_WATERMARK="$(date -v -3d '+%Y-%m-%d')"

Please note that the example invocations about that use the system date command are illustrative of a simple way to implement a backfill & incremental crawls on a cron-esque system, but using the current system time is unsuitable for production in case the system running that cron were to go down. The good way to manage this would be to maintain each crawl's watermarks and run the new crawl with a watermark timespan built iteratively from the previous crawl's timespan (with potentially overlapping timespans depending on the crawl frequency).

Implementation Details

Crawler Components

The crawler system makes use of several scrapy components:


Our spider is defined in the class TennisExplorerSpider in seeder.spiders.tennis_explorer_spider.

The spider is not responsible for any of the parsing or processing directly. Rather, it maintains a mapping of parser classes for each endpoint, where are parser extends seeder.parsers.Parser and must implement 2 methods that return iterables of scrapy.Item and scrapy.Request, respectively, from a scrapy.Response:

class Parser(object):

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

  def parse_items(self, response):
    return [scrapy.Item(...), scrapy.Item(...)]

  def parse_links(self, response):
    return ['/some/link/?id=1', '/some/link/?id=2']

The spider's parse method selects the appropriate parser for the url of each scrapy.Request (based on the url's path), as shown in the below skeleton snippet. To add additional parsers, the parsing logic may be implemented in a parser that handels each endpoint, after which the TennisExplorerSpider's ENDPOINT_PARSERS may be updated.

class TennisExplorerSpider(scrapy.Spider):

  # Define endpoint-specific parser classes here
    '/results/': {
      'parser': MatchResultParser,
      'parser_kwargs': {},
      'request_kwargs': {'priority': 1},
    '/next/': {
    '/match-detail/': {

  def __init__(self, ...):
    # create the local mapping of endpoint->parser objects
    ctx = { ... } # come context
    self.parsers = {
      endpoint: config['parser'](**ctx, **config.get('parser_kwargs', {})) 
      for (endpoint, config) in self.ENDPOINT_PARSERS.items()

  def parse(self, response):
    url = urllib.parse.urlparse(response.url)
    parser = self.parsers.get(url.path) 
    for item in parser.parse_items(response):
      yield item

    for href in parser.parse_links(response):
      yield scrapy.Request(href, self.parse)

Item Pipeline

Records are inserted into the database using a combination of:

  • A scrapy.Item processing pipeline, seeder.pipelines.DatabasePipeline.
  • Model builder logic specifed in each model in seeder.models; each model for the pipeline has 3 methods that create sqlalchemy ORM instances given a dictionary input payload:
    • make(**kwargs), which creates a (potentially incomplete) record
    • make_dependencies(**kwargs), which creates an iterable of incomplete records that the record would depend on (i.e. skeleton records for any foreign keys the record has to maintain referential integrity)
    • make_with_dependencies(**kwargs), which calls the above 2 methods and concatenates their output
  • scapy.Items in the seeder.items module, which are dynamically built from the sqlalchemy models.

The item pipeline does relatively little work itself, but is reponsible for:

  • creating ORM model instances for each scrapy.Item it receives by calling that item's make_with_dependencies method
  • subsequently upserting these records to the database

Some of that seems unusual (e.g. the incomplete records), but there are a few considerations to note that motivate this process:

  • When a scrapy.Response is processed, we may not have all of the information returned in that response to create a record (e.g. the /results/ endpoint for match results can create Match records, but would not have the dimensional attributes for each Player to create complete Player records). As such, we have to emit incomplete records that contain only the bare minimum information (i.e. the record's primary key), with the expectation that the page containing the remainder of the data needed will be processed at some point in the future.
  • Each ORM model must specify how to contruct its skeleton dependent records, but does not need to complete them. Since we cannot guarantee processing order of items in the scraping pipeline, all of the dependencies for a specific item must be created and committed to the database within the same pipeline process_item call.
  • A direct consequence of this is that the ORM models have very loose nullability constraints on each column, since almost all of the columns could be null if a table row was created from a skeleton ORM record.

Related Work

  • slick
    • This was an interesting find; it's a framework for storing scrapy item pipelines in relational databases using sqlalchemy. The code is professionallywritten and documented, but not heavily starred/forked.My guess is this was developed commercially over a not insignificant timespan, but then open-sourced in the initial commit. You might be wondering, why not just use this library? Great question. But first may I just thank the audience and the country for giving me this opportunity to outline my vision for the future...


  • This project is short & sweet owing entirely to the great stuff provided by the following dependencies:


Simple scraper and metadata manager for






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