Python wrapper for the Help Scout API
git clone
cd helpscout-api-python && python install
import helpscout
client = helpscout.Client()
client.api_key = "your-api-key-here"
mailboxes = client.mailboxes()
folders = client.folders(mailboxes.items[0].id)
for f in folders:
#do things here
customer = client.customer(customer-id-here)
if customers.socialProfiles != None:
for s in customers.socialProfiles:
#do things
Field selectors are given as a list of Strings. When field selectors are used, the appropriate object is created with the fields provided.
Each method can accept a field selector as an addition parameter.
- mailboxes()
- mailbox(int mailbox_id)
- folders(int mailbox_id)
- conversations_for_folders(int mailbox_id, int folder_id)
- conversations_for_mailbox(int mailbox_id)
- conversations_for_customerByMailbox(int mailbox_id, int customer_id)
- conversation(int conversation_id)
- attachment_data(int attachment_id)
- customers()
- customer(int customer_id)
- users()
- users_for_mailbox(int mailbox_id)
- user(int user_id)
- search()
- search(query="subject:foo")
- search(query="subject:foo", sort_by="number", sort_order="asc")
See full syntax for query parameter here:
Multiple calls to the above calls that support pagination will return subsequent pages.
- clearstate() - to clear the pagination couters and start from page 1 again.
- clearstate(str 'function') - to clear the pagination couter for a given function, e.g. "folders" You could set the starting page by passing in page=N as a keyword arg.