Construct Week of Unit-2 | Project — Fab-Bag
Hello Everyone, My name is Rupesh Sahu. Currently, I’m pursuing a Full Stack Web Development course at Masai School. I’m in unit-2. At the end of unit-2, Masai School gives a project to clone based on the syllabus of unit-2. We have to clone based on whatever we have learned so far till unit-2.
They have assigned me a Project name called Fab-Bag. Project Details :
This is clone best website Fab-Bag
Header Page Website How I cloned FAB-BAG Website:
First, I built a homepage. On the homepage I have created a Navbar,header,logo SUBSCRIBE NOW, I have fixed a homepage page link like whenever a customer will click on a logo then he will get Subscribe for Month . After that, I have created a fixed navbar on top logo some auto-timer depending on the slider image which looks more pretty, and then I have added some pictures related to Fab-Bag products which will be available on the Fab-Bag website. After that, I have added a SUBSCRIPTION, on the website.
Subscription Button for Month
Image for sliding Testimonial After the homepage, I have created a # page where the customers can create an account, he or she can log in to the Fab-Bag website.
After that,all the associated brands
After that footer page this website footer importatnt part of website
Footer page