My RnD of experimental cross-platform NeomorphismSmartHomeApp solution.
Smart Home App UI by Amit kumar
- Xamarin.Forms.NeoControls v1.1.0-pre
- SkiaSharp.Views.Forms v 1.68.0
- Xamarin.Forms v3.3.0.912540
- Win SDK 16299
- Xamarin.Forms src code detected & explored a little
- SkiaSharp.Views.Forms explored too :)
- UWP target added... to be continued ;)
- Adapt SkiaSharp.Views.Forms v 1.68.0 to .NET Standard 1.4 :)
- Port Xamarin.Forms v3.3.0.912540 to .NET Standard 1.4 too ;)
As is. RnD only. DIY
[m][e] 2023