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This is the Ruby on Rails web application component of IDEALS, the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship, which publishes research and scholarship from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

This is a getting-started guide and brief technical manual for developers.

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  • PostgreSQL >= 9.x
  • OpenSearch >= 1.x with the analysis-icu plugin installed
  • An S3 storage service, such as AWS S3 or Minio Server
  • curl
  • unzip
  • ImageMagick
  • LibreOffice (for the soffice tool)
  • Poppler or xpdf (for the pdftotext tool)
  • RabbitMQ
  • A server (see the SCARS wiki for setup instructions)

The following sections explain how to get the application working alongside all of these dependencies, with and without Docker.


./ will start the application stack in development mode in Docker. The working copy is mounted in the app container, so changes to application files will be reflected without restarting.

You can run Rails tasks by changing rails in commands to ./, so rails <task> becomes ./ <task>.


Install everything

# Install rbenv
$ brew install rbenv
$ brew install ruby-build
$ brew install rbenv-gemset --HEAD
$ rbenv init
$ rbenv rehash

# Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd ideals

# Install Ruby into rbenv
$ rbenv install "$(< .ruby-version)"

# Install application gems
$ bundle install

Configure the application

$ cd config/credentials
$ cp template.yml development.yml
$ cp template.yml test.yml

Edit both as necessary. See template.yml for documentation of the configuration format.

You should also obtain config/credentials/demo.key and config/credentials/production.key to decrypt and view/edit the demo & production configuration.

Create the OpenSearch indexes

rails opensearch:indexes:create[ideals_development]
rails opensearch:indexes:create[ideals_test]

Note: Index schemas can't generally be changed in place, so if the schema needs to change, a new index has to be created with the new schema, and then either existing documents migrated into it ("reindexed" in OpenSearch parlance), which is fairly quick, or new documents loaded into it, which is very slow. For the development index, you may prefer to have separate "blue" and "green" indexes and to switch back-and-forth between them as needed:

rails opensearch:indexes:create[ideals_blue_development]
rails opensearch:indexes:create_alias[ideals_blue_development,ideals_development]

Then when you need to create a new index, you can switch to the other color:

rails opensearch:indexes:delete[ideals_green_development]
rails opensearch:indexes:create[ideals_green_development]
rails opensearch:indexes:copy[ideals_blue_development,ideals_green_development]
# The above command prints a task ID which you can check on periodically with:
rails opensearch:tasks:show[task-id]
# When the task has completed:
rails opensearch:indexes:delete_alias[ideals_blue_development,ideals_development]
rails opensearch:indexes:create_alias[ideals_green_development,ideals_development]

(Instead of using aliases, you could change the opensearch/index key in your in your config/credentials/development.yml.)

Note 2: the above does not apply to the test index. This index will be recreated automatically when the tests are run.

Configure RabbitMQ

$ brew install rabbitmq
$ brew services start rabbitmq
# Add /usr/local/sbin to $PATH
$ rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

# Add yourself as an admin user and grant permissions to yourself
$ rabbitmqctl add_user <username> <password>
$ rabbitmqctl set_user_tags <username> administrator
$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / <username> '.*' '.*' '.*'

Open the management interface at http://localhost:15672. Log in using the credentials you just created.

In the Queues tab, in the "Add a new queue" section, add two queues named ideals_to_medusa medusa_to_ideals, both with default properties. Then restart RabbitMQ:

$ brew services restart rabbitmq

Of course, in development, these messages won't go anywhere, unless you are running Medusa locally, but that's OK.

Configure the server

Refer to the instructions in the SCARS wiki.

Create a user account

In development, there are two working authentication methods available:

  1. Local credentials
  2. The OmniAuth developer strategy

To create a user account, simply log in via the OmniAuth developer strategy using any name/email combination. Once logged in, you will have ordinary-user privileges. To bestow sysadmin privileges, use the users:make_sysadmin[email] rake task.


These tasks are run via cron in the demo and production environments:

  • medusa:messages:fetch (every 5 minutes)
  • downloads:cleanup (daily)
  • db:sessions:trim (daily)
  • institutions:update_auth_metadata (daily)
  • institutions:rotate_saml_certs (monthly)



Authentication is handled by OmniAuth. OmniAuth supports many different providers, but the ones used by this app are:

  • SAML: handles SSO authentication.
  • Local identity: credentials are stored in a credentials database table associated with the users table.

The general idea with OmniAuth is that authentication requests (via e.g. a login button) are sent to /auth/:provider. From there the provider takes over, redirecting to an IdP (or whatever). Upon successful login, the IdP (or provider) calls back to /auth/:provider/callback, which is handled by SessionsController.create().

OmniAuth and its providers are configured in config/initializers/omniauth.rb.

All users belong to a "home institution." Sysadmins can log in from an institutional domain other than their home domain using their local credentials, but non-sysadmins cannot.


Upon each request, a before_filter in ApplicationController instantiates a policy class corresponding to that controller (these classes are located in app/policies) and invokes one of its methods corresponding to the controller method. This method may return a hash like:

{authorized: true}

Or, if authorization fails, it will return a hash like:

  authorized: false,
  reason: "This user is not allowed to do such and such."

A policy() method in ApplicationHelper provides convenient access to the policy object, where it can be accessed from views as well. For example, there may be a policy method called show() that authorizes access to a show view, but the current user does not have sufficient privileges to see a particular element in the template, so it is nested under a conditional like:

- if policy(@model).see_privileged_thing?

The policy architecture is very similar to what is provided by the Pundit gem, but Pundit doesn't support failure reasons.

See the ApplicationPolicy class for more information.


Within the application S3 bucket, content is laid out in the following structure:

  • institutions/:institution_key/derivatives/:bitstream_id/:region/:size/default.jpg
  • institutions/:institution_key/imports/:item_id/
  • institutions/:institution_key/storage/:item_id/
  • institutions/:institution_key/uploads/:item_id/

The high-level ObjectStore class provides access to the bucket and objects within it. This class wraps the S3Client class, which itself is a convenience wrapper around an Aws::S3::Client from the aws-sdk-s3 gem.


OpenSearch handles most searching in the application, providing natural-order sorting, relevance ranking and weighting (boosts), and facets (a.k.a. aggregations). It also enables complex queries that would be difficult using PostgreSQL alone.

There are two aspects to OpenSearch support: indexing (sending documents to OpenSearch) and querying (getting them out).


Every model class to be indexed includes the Indexed concern, which provides several indexing-related methods. One of them in particular, as_indexed_json(), gets overridden by every including class to return a hash that will automatically get converted into an OpenSearch document and sent to OpenSearch upon invocation of the model's reindex() method (also supplied by Indexed).

On the OpenSearch side, documents get ingested into an index which has a particular schema. By default, OpenSearch wants to auto-detect the data types using in the various fields, but this application requires more precise control, so all auto-detection is disabled and a fixed schema is used instead. This schema resides in search/index_schema.yml and gets sent to OpenSearch upon index creation (using the opensearch:indexes:create rake task).


The queries that the application needs to send to OpenSearch tend to be very long and complicated. The Indexed concern also provides a search() class method that returns one of the AbstractRelation implementations. These work similar to ActiveRecord::Relation, using the Builder pattern to greatly simplify the process of searching.

Indexing and searching features both rely on the OpenSearchClient class, which is basically just a high-level HTTP client geared toward interacting with OpenSearch.

There are also several OpenSearch-related rake tasks under the opensearch: prefix that can assist with index management and reindexing.


In order to keep the web server responsive, all operations that would take more than a fraction of a second to complete need to run asynchronously. This is accomplished using Rails' ActiveJob framework.

In development, the async adapter is used to run jobs. This adapter simply runs them in a separate thread within one of the web server's worker processes. This adapter works automatically with no configuration.

In demo and production, the delayed_job adapter is used to run jobs. The job worker relies on database tables and runs in a separate process.

Examining the job classes in app/jobs, one will notice that most of their perform() methods create a Task instance before doing anything. This object enables progress reporting from the institution-scoped /tasks or global- scoped /all-tasks views.


The JavaScript system uses Sprockets, which was the default in earlier versions of Rails, and is nice and simple. In this system, JavaScript files are organized roughly per-controller. (The lib/ directory contains shared code organized under JS object keys.

Within each JavaScript file, there are one or more functions followed by an on-document-ready function that checks the HTML <body> ID to decide which one to instantiate. This works like:

-# something/show.html.haml, rendered by
- provide :body_id, "show_something"
// javascripts/something.js
$(document).ready(function() {
    if ($(body).attr("id") === "show_something") {
        // ...


The web application makes heavy use of modal windows, mainly for contextual forms. The content for most modals is loaded on-demand via XHR, which enables the containing page to load faster. The basic idea is, from a template, to require shared/xhr_modal:

= render partial: "shared/xhr_modal",
         locals:  { id:    "add-child-unit-modal",
                    title: "Add Child Unit" }

This will give you nothing more than an empty, hidden modal. Next, we add a button (in the same template) to open it:

                                     "data-bs-target": "#add-child-unit-modal",
                                     "data-bs-toggle": "modal",
                                     role:             "button"}
  Add Child Unit

Now the modal can open, but it's still empty. So we add some JavaScript to fill in its body (the div with class modal-body) when it opens (or when the button that opens it is clicked):

$(".add-child-unit").on("click", function() {
    const url = "/units/new?parent_id=" + unitID;
    $.get(url, function(data) {
        $("#add-child-unit-modal .modal-body").html(data);

Of course, the /units/new route here must supply the necessary form partial.


When a unit or collection is created, or item is approved, a handle for it is created on the server and a record of this handle is saved in the handles table. In production, this enables these entities to be resolved using the service.


The config/formats.yml file defines all of the file formats recognized by the application.

The format of user-submitted files is inferred by their filename extension. Users can submit files in any format, whether or not they are defined in this file, and formats can be added ex post facto to support already-submitted files.

Sysadmins can access a web-based interface to the formats.yml file at /file-formats. This is useful for finding formats that are not yet supported but need to be.


When a request is made to the web app through a reverse proxy server (which is always expected to be the case in the demo and production environments), the proxy supplies an X-Forwarded-Host header that conveys the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) via which the app was accessed. There are two possibilities:

  1. This FQDN matches one of the registered Institution FQDNs, in which case the request is considered to be institution-scoped and the current Institution model can be acquired from the the current_institution() method of ApplicationController (and ApplicationHelper). Most routes are scoped like this.
  2. This FQDN does not match a registered institution FQDN, in which case the request is considered to be in global scope. In this case, ApplicationController.institution_host?() returns false and there is no relevant Institution model. (current_institution() should not be used.) Only a few routes are globally scoped.

To get this working in development, first add a couple of institutions through the UI, giving them FQDNs of ideals-ins1.local:3000 and ideals-ins2.local:3000. Then add these to /etc/hosts: ideals-ins1.local ideals-ins2.local

(These hosts also need to be present in the config.hosts key in the config/environments/development.rb file, which they are by default.)

Then, you can access http://ideals-ins1.local:3000 and http://ideals-ins2.local:3000 in order to play around with multi-tenancy. You can still access http://localhost:3000 as usual to see the global scope.


IDEALS is a Sprockets-based app, like apps of earlier Rails versions used to be. There is a Bootstrap gem specified in the Gemfile and the stylesheet from that is imported into the application.scss. There are some other global, non-institution-specific style overrides in the same folder.

Institution-specific styles are handled differently: an institution can choose various colors etc. through the UI, which are injected into its own custom stylesheet provided by StylesheetsController. This gets overlaid onto the base Bootstrap+global custom styles mentioned above.


There are three main Git branches, which correspond to the environments in which the application runs: locally, in demo, and in production. Branching generally happens like this:

develop -----> demo -----> production
   ^                           |
   |                           |
   \-------- (hotfixes) -------/
Rails Environment Git Branch Machine Configuration File
development any (usually develop) Local config/credentials/development.yml
development (Docker) any (usually develop) Docker config/credentials/development-docker.yml
test any Local & GitHub Actions config/credentials/test.yml & ci.yml
test (Docker) any Docker config/credentials/test-docker.yml
demo demo aws-ideals-demo config/credentials/demo.yml.enc
production production aws-ideals-production config/credentials/production.yml.enc

Files that end in .enc are encrypted. Obtain the encryption key from a project team member and then use rails credentials:edit -e <environment> to edit it.

config/credentials/template.yml contains the canonical configuration structure that all config files must use.

config/credentials/ci.yml is copied to test.yml in continuous integration (see below).

See the class documentation in app/models/configuration.rb for a detailed explanation of how the configuration system works.


From time to time, the index schema may have to change to accommodate new features. This requires creating a new index using the opensearch:indexes:create rake task, changing the index name in the application configuration (or changing the index alias on the OpenSearch side using the opensearch:indexes:create_alias/delete_alias rake tasks), and then reindexing all database content using the opensearch:reindex rake task.


Code documentation uses YARD/Markdown syntax. The rails doc:generate command invokes YARD to generate HTML documentation for the code base.


Minitest is used for model and controller tests. rails test runs the tests.

Tests may depend on any or all of the dependent services (OpenSearch, RabbitMQ, etc.). It's perfectly legitimate to install all of that stuff on your local machine and run the tests there. You can also use docker compose, which will initialize a container, copy the code base into it, spin up all of the service containers, and run the tests:

$ ./

This is how tests are run in continuous integration, which uses GitHub Actions.


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