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experimental project to explore possible refactoring of databank

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Quince is a work-in-progress experimental rebuild of the Ruby on Rails web application component of Illinois Data Bank, which is a public access repository for research data from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

This is a getting-started guide for developers.

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  • Administrator access to the production Illinois Data Bank instance (in order to export data to import into your development instance)
  • PostgreSQL >= 9.x
  • S3 buckets (MinIO Server will work in development & test)
  • Solr 6
    • You can install and configure this yourself, but it will be easier to run a sunspot image server container in Docker. TODO: add link
  • Cantaloupe 5.0+
    • You can install and configure this yourself, but it will be easier to run an image server container in Docker.
    • This will also require the AWS Command Line Interface v1.x with the awscli-login plugin, which is needed to obtain credentials for Cantaloupe to access the relevant S3 buckets. (awscli-login requires v1.x of the CLI as of this writing, but that would be the only reason not to upgrade to v2.x.)
  • Databank Archive Extractor TODO: add details


Install Quince

# Install rbenv
$ brew install rbenv
$ brew install ruby-build
$ brew install rbenv-gemset --HEAD
$ rbenv init
$ rbenv rehash

# Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd quince

# Install Ruby into rbenv
$ rbenv install "$(< .ruby-version)"

# Install Bundler
$ gem install bundler

# Install application gems
$ bundle install

Create the Solr core

Follow the directions within the Dockerfile in the project.

Configure the application

$ cd config/credentials
$ cp template.yml development.yml
$ cp template.yml test.yml

Edit both as necessary.

See the "Configuration" section later in this file for more information about the configuration system.

Create the database and load the schema

$ psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE ROLE quince WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '<password in quotes>';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE databank OWNER databank;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE databank_test OWNER databank;
postgres=# \q
$ bundle exec rails db:schema:load

Load some data

Import sample datasets

TODO: add instructions


Update the database schema

$ bin/rails db:migrate


There are several dependent services:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Solr
  • A working Medusa Collection Registry. There are a lot of tests that rely on fixture data within Medusa. Unfortunately, production Medusa data is not stable enough to test against and it's hard to tailor for specific tests that require specific types of content. So instead, all of the tests rely on a mock of Medusa called Mockdusa.
  • A Cantaloupe image server instance.
  • A Databank Archiver Extractor instance.
  • Two S3 buckets:
    1. One for draft datasets.
    2. One containing Medusa repository data. The content exposed by Mockdusa, above, should be available in this bucket.

Because getting all of this running locally can be a real hassle, there is also a docker-compose.yml file that will spin up all of the required services and run the tests within a containerized environment:

aws login
eval $(aws ecr get-login --region us-east-2 --no-include-email --profile default)
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up --build --exit-code-from quince


See the class documentation in app/config/configuration.rb for a detailed explanation of how the configurarion system works. The short explanation is that the develop and test environments rely on the unencrypted config/credentials/develop.yml and test.yml files, respectively, while the demo and production environments rely on the demo.yml.enc and production.yml.enc files, which are Rails 6 encrypted credentials files.


In the production and demo environments, authorization uses LDAP. In development and test, there is one "canned user" for each Illinois Data Bank user type:

  • depositor: Can deposit a dataset.
  • nodeposit: Can log in, cannot deposit a dataset.
  • admin: Curators and Library IT system administrators

# with any of these using [username] as the password.


The rake doc:generate command invokes YARD to generate HTML documentation for the code base.


experimental project to explore possible refactoring of databank






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