Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file lib/tocaro_webhook
. To experiment with that code, run bin/console
for an interactive prompt.
TODO: Delete this and the text above, and describe your gem
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tocaro_webhook'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
install palne ruby
$ gem install tocaro_webhook
Call TocaroWebhook::Sender class.
require 'tocaro_webhook'
webhook_sender = TocaroWebhook::Sender.new('your api key')
exec send message
webhook_sender.payload.add_attachment(title: "title", value: "value", image_url: "htttp://image_url.com")
# or some attribute
# webhook_sender.payload.add_attachment(title: "title")
# webhook_sender.payload.add_attachment(value: "value")
# webhook_sender.payload.add_attachment(value: "value", image_url: "htttp://image_url.com")
some attachments
webhook_sender.payload.add_attachment(title: "title", value: "value", image_url: "http://image_url.com")
webhook_sender.payload.add_attachment(image_url: "http://image_url.com")
webhook_sender.payload.add_attachment(title: "title", value: "value")
return HTTP response class.
res = webhook_sender.exec
res.code # => "200"
Send test exec when .env file write your webhook key. Env file use dotenv gem. (https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv)
TEST_TOCARO_WEB_HOOK_KEY="your web hook key"