Tidy Tuesday Himalaya project for week 3 in 2025
Thank you to Nicole Foss, Ed.D., MS for this week's data!
I chose to create plots as if someone were interested in climbing the highest peak in each of the Himalayan ranges, including plots of risks.
Data Dictionary
variable class description EXPID factor Expedition ID. PEAKID factor Peak ID YEAR factor Year of the expedition. SEASON integer Season of the expedition as an integer. SEASON_FACTOR character Season of the expedition converted to a the descriptive name. HOST integer Host county of the expedition as an integer. HOST_FACTOR character Host country of the expedition converted to a descriptive name. ROUTE1 factor Climbing route 1. ROUTE2 factor Climbing route 2. ROUTE3 factor Climbing route 3. ROUTE4 factor Climbing route 4. NATION factor Principle nationality. LEADERS factor Leadership of the expedition. SPONSOR factor Expedition sponsor / name. SUCCESS1 logical Success on route 1? SUCCESS2 logical Success on route 2? SUCCESS3 logical Success on route 3? SUCCESS4 logical Success on route 4? ASCENT1 factor Ascent numbers for route 1. ASCENT2 factor Ascent numbers for route 2. ASCENT3 factor Ascent numbers for route 3. ASCENT4 factor Ascent numbers for route 4. CLAIMED logical Success claimed? DISPUTED logical Success disputed? COUNTRIES factor Other countries. APPROACH factor Approach march. BCDATE date Date arrived at base camp. SMTDATE date Date reached summit. SMTTIME factor Time reached summit. SMTDAYS integer Number of days to summit / high-point. TOTDAYS integer Total number of days. TERMDATE date Date the expedition was terminated. TERMREASON integer Reason the expedition was terminated as an integer. TERMREASON_FACTOR character Reason the expedition was terminated converted to a descriptive name. TERMNOTE factor Termination details. HIGHPOINT integer Expedition high-point. TRAVERSE logical Did the expedition traverse. SKI logical Ski / snowboard descent? PARAPENTE logical Parapente descent? CAMPS integer Number of high camps above base camp. ROPE integer Amount of fixed rope. TOTMEMBERS integer Number of members. SMTMEMBERS integer Number of members on summit. MDEATHS integer Number of member deaths. TOTHIRED integer Number of hired personnel (above base camp). SMTHIRED integer Number of hired personnel on summit. HDEATHS integer Number of hired personnel deaths. NOHIRED logical No hired personnel used above base camp. O2USED logical Oxygen used? O2NONE logical Oxygen not used? O2CLIMB logical Oxygen climbing? O2DESCENT logical Oxygen descending? O2SLEEP logical Oxygen sleeping? O2MEDICAL logical Oxygen used medically? O2TAKEN logical Oxygen taken, not used? O2UNKWN logical Oxygen use unknown? OTHERSMTS factor Other summits. CAMPSITES factor Campsite details. ROUTEMEMO factor Route details. ACCIDENTS factor Accidents on the expedition. ACHIEVMENT factor Achievements. AGENCY factor Trekking agency. COMRTE logical Commercial route? STDRTE logical 8000m standard route? PRIMRTE logical Route info with primary expedition? PRIMMEM logical Member info with primary expedition? PRIMREF logical Literature info with primary expedition? PRIMID factor Primary expedition ID (if any). CHKSUM integer Internal consistency check. peaks_tidy.csv
variable class description PEAKID integer Peak ID, the key field (unique identifier) for each record. PKNAME integer Peak name. PKNAME2 integer Peak name 2. LOCATION integer Location of the peak. HEIGHTM integer Peak height in meters. HEIGHTF integer Peak height in feet. HIMAL integer Mountain range identifier. See HIMAL_FACTOR for names. HIMAL_FACTOR integer Mountain range name. REGION integer Region identifier. REGION_FACTOR character Region name. OPEN logical Indicates whether the peak is open for expeditions. UNLISTED logical Indicates whether the peak is unlisted in official records. TREKKING logical Indicates whether the peak is a trekking peak. TREKYEAR integer Year the peak was designated as a trekking peak. RESTRICT logical Indicates whether the peak is restricted for climbing or access. PHOST integer Primary host country identifier for the peak. See PHOST_FACTOR for names. PHOST_FACTOR character Primary host country name corresponding to the PHOST identifier. PSTATUS integer Climbing status identifier for the peak. See PSTATUS_FACTOR for names. PSTATUS_FACTOR character Climbing status description corresponding to the PSTATUS identifier. PEAKMEMO character Additional notes or remarks about the peak. PYEAR integer Year of the first recorded climbing attempt on the peak. PSEASON character Climbing season associated with the first recorded ascent or expedition. PEXPID integer Expedition ID associated with the first recorded climb. PSMTDATE character Date of the first successful summit. PCOUNTRY character Country of origin for the expedition or climbers. PSUMMITERS integer Number of climbers who first reached the summit. PSMTNOTE character Notes or remarks related to the first successful summit. REFERMEMO character Peak chronology references. PHOTOMEMO character Peak photo references.