A PAS plugin for authentication of users in Plone using OIDC.
Add the package to your instance eggs like:
[instance] eggs += ... ftw.oidcauth
The OIDC Plone PAS plugin can be added in acl_users/manage_main. After adding a new Plugin it will be listed there and can be configured in detail.
1: Unauthorized User --------redirect--------> Authorization Endpoint 2: Callback View <--------redirect-------- Authorization Endpoint 3: OIDC Plugin <-------client call------> Token Endpoint 4: OIDC Plugin <-------client call------> JWKS Endpoint 5: Validation of Token using the matching JWK 6: OIDC Plugin <-------client call------> User Info Endpoint 7: Provision user in Plone
Once a plugin was added it can be configured by clicking on the plugin in
Don't forget to add the plugin as the first to be challenged:
- go to route:
- go to
Challenge Plugins
- activate your freshly added plugin and move to the top
Properties Mapping
holds the information how to map userinformation. It has to
be valid json like:
"plone_property1": "oidc_property1",
"plone_property2": "oidc_property2",
The Properties Mapping
must contain the Plone property userid
- Github: https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.oidcauth
- Issues: https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.oidcauth/issues
This package is copyright by 4teamwork.
is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.