A transpiler that translates input in the form of assignment statements and expressions of the AdvCalc++ language into LLVM IR code that can compute and output those statements.
It is a project for the course "CMPE230 Systems Programming" at the Bogazici University.
Run make command to build the project and generate the executable file.
Run the executable file with the input file as the first argument.
./advcalc2ir <file_name>.adv
This will generate the LLVM IR code in the file named "<file_name>.ll".
This file can be compiled with the LLVM compiler to generate the executable file.
llc file.ll -o file.s
clang file.s -o executable
The input file must be in the AdvCalc++ language.
The AdvCalc++ language is a simple language that can be used to evaluate expressions and assign values to variables.
If a line is an assignment statement, the value of the expression on the right side of the assignment operator is assigned to the variable on the left side.
If a line is an expression, the value of the expression is computed and printed to the standard output.
The language supports the following operations:
- Arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /
- Modulo operation: %
- Bitwise logical operations: &, |
- Bitwise shift and rotate functions: ls(), rs(), lr(), rr()
- Bitwise complement and xor function: not(), xor()
- Assignment operator: =
x = 1
y = x + 3
z = x * y * y*y
qqq = xor(131, 198)
xor(((x)), x)
xor(((x)), x) | z + y
rs(xor(((x)), x) | z + y, 1)
ls(rs(xor(((x)), x) | z + y, 1), (((1))))
lr(ls(rs(xor(((x)), x) | z + y, 1), (((1)))), 1)
rr(lr(ls(rs(xor(((x)), x) | z + y, 1), (((1)))), 1), 1)
qqq * not(not(10))
rr(lr(ls(rs(xor(((x)), x) | z + y, 1), (((1)))), 1), 1) - qqq * not(not(10))
0 & rr(lr(ls(rs(xor(((x)), x) | z + y, 1), (((1)))), 1), 1) - qqq * not(not(10))
This program gives the following output: