sqlx adapter for Casbin https://github.com/casbin/casbin
Based on sqlx, and tested in MySQL.
go get github.com/memwey/casbin-sqlx-adapter
The v2 version of Casbin has some break change, check for the detail. If you are still using v1 version, use 0.1.x
of this project. And if you have been using the package before, and wanting to upgrade, check the following massage.
The adapter maintained by Casbin team introduce a BREAKING CHANGE by changing the column name from p_type to ptype, see the issue in gorm-adapter and xorm-adapter. Thought I think the adapter layer is able to imply its own storage detail, I follow this BREAKING CHANGE in version 0.3.0
in case of developers may port to different adapters.
The implement is kind of different from the official one. In this implement you should create the database and table on your own.
In my opinion, in a general PRODUCTION environment, the business code is only allow to do DML but not DDL.
The filtered adapter feature has been added in some adapter implements such as Xorm Adapter. However, it's not yet documented in the doc. I will add it after it's documented. See this issue.
opts := &AdapterOptions{
DriverName: "mysql",
DataSourceName: "root:1234@tcp(",
TableName: "casbin_rule",
// or reuse an existing connection:
// DB: myDBConn,
a := NewAdapterFromOptions(opts)
// Casbin v2 may return an error
e, err := casbin.NewEnforcer("examples/rbac_model.conf", a)
if err != nil {
Special thanks to Casbin. They provide a superb authorization library.
Special thanks to sqlx. It provides a brilliant set of extensions on go's standard database/sql
And this project is inspected by Xorm Adapter, Gorm Adapter, Beego ORM Adapter and MySQL adapter . Thanks all of them.
This is a very first opensource of me and if this project violates any of the opensource guidelines, please contact me. The project is far from perfect, issues and pull requesets are very welcome.
This project is under Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.