This repository is deploying Apache Kafka and other third party integrations on Kubernetes using a Helm chart.
Namespace: a new namespace called
that will have all the deployed resources. -
RBAC: a new
, andClusterRoleBinding
to manage access between different resources. -
Kafka-broker: the Apache Kafka broker will be deployed as a
using the latest kafka docker image. Aheadless
service will be used to expose it. -
Kafka configuration: all Kafka settings can be controlled from the
ConfigMap file, including the init script "" and
. -
Zoo Keeper: will be dployed as a
, along withClusterIP
servcie (expose both 2888 and 3888 ports), headless service (expose 2181 port), and aConfigMap
settings file. -
Persistent Volumes: tow
will be provisioned to persist the data within for both kafka-broker and zoo keeper. -
AKHQ: Kafka GUI for Apache Kafka to manage topics, topics data, consumers group, schema registry, connect and more...
ZooNavigator: it's a web-based ZooKeeper UI and editor/browser with many features.
kafka-cli: a kafka-based k8s pod to interact with both kafka-broker and zookeeper programatically.
In order to deploy the above resourtce, you will need to install
, a package manager for K8s. More info and installation guide can be found below: -
Once Helm is installed,m the above chart can be deployed using the below commands:
git clone
helm upgrade --install kafka-chart ./helm
- You can create a local k8s environment to test the resopurces using Minikube, which runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your personal computer. To install and start a new minikube cluster, please follwo the steps below:
- Once the local k8s lcouster is up and running, you casn follwo the same steps above to apply the helm chart.
Both AKHQ and ZooNavigator tools are deployed using NodePort service type to easily expose them locally.
To expsoe both services using Minikube, run the below commands:
minikube service --url akhq -n kafka
minikube service --url zoonavigator -n kafka
Note: for ZooNavigator, when asking for the connection string, type: zookeeper-svc.kafka.svc.cluster.local:2181
as this is the FQDN of the service on the cluster.
- The kafka-cli pod is used to interact with the cluster from CLI, you can open an SSH session with the pod and test the basic kafka opreations as shown below:
# ssh into the pod:
kubectl exec -it kafka-cli -n kafka -- bash
# create a new topic
./bin/ --create --zookeeper zookeeper-svc:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic testtopic
>Created topic "testtopic".
# push a created topic:
./bin/ --broker-list kafka-broker:9092 --topic testtopic
>Message 1 in testtopic
# Open another ssh session to access the consumer and check the pushed message:
kubectl exec -it kafka-cli -n kafka -- bash
./bin/ --bootstrap-server kafka-broker:9092 --topic testtopic --partition 0 --from-beginning
>Message 1 in testtopic