This library allows you to quickly and easily add YenePay as a payment method using Python
To add YenePay to your application and start collecting payments, you will first need to register on YenePay as a merchant and get your seller code. You can do that from
git clone
Copy yenepay folder to your project folder
Step 1: Import yenepay.PaymentHandler
from yenepay.PaymentHandler import PaymentHandler, ProcessType, PDT, Item, IPN
Step 2: Initialize handler
handler = PaymentHandler('YOUR MERCHANT CODE', useSandbox='TRUE IF YOU ARE TESTING')
Step 3: Set required fields for more information look at the official yenepay community website
handler.success_url = 'YOUR SUCCESS URL'
handler.failure_url = "YOUR FAILURE URL"
handler.cancel_url = "YOUR CANCEL URL"
handler.ipn_url = "YOUR IPN URL"
handler.checkout_process = 'EITHER EXPRESS OR CART'
handler.expires_after = 'MINUTES BEFORE ORDER EXPIRES'
handler.merchant_order_id = 'ORDER ID INSIDE YOUR SYSTEM'
Step 4: Add implemetations from PDT, IPN ... (sample example included in this repository)
When you are ready to deploy set useSandbox = False
(look at Step 2)