rbczmq - binding for the high level ZeroMQ C API <img src=“https://secure.travis-ci.org/methodmissing/rbczmq.png” alt=“Build Status” />¶ ↑
© 2011-2014 Lourens Naudé (methodmissing), James Tucker (raggi), Matt Connolly (mattconnolly) with API guidance from the czmq (czmq.zeromq.org/) project.
In a nutshell, ZeroMQ is a hybrid networking library / concurrency framework. I quote the ØMQ Guide (zguide.zeromq.org/page:all) :
“ØMQ (ZeroMQ, 0MQ, zmq) looks like an embeddable networking library but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives you sockets that carry whole messages across various transports like in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast. You can connect sockets N-to-N with patterns like fanout, pub-sub, task distribution, and request-reply. It’s fast enough to be the fabric for clustered products. Its asynchronous I/O model gives you scalable multicore applications, built as asynchronous message-processing tasks. It has a score of language APIs and runs on most operating systems. ØMQ is from iMatix and is LGPL open source.”
This extension bundles both ZeroMQ (libzmq, www.zeromq.org/) and CZMQ (libczmq, czmq.zeromq.org/) and as such have no third party dependencies other than a Ruby distribution and a C compiler. My goals for this project were :
Access to a powerful messaging technology without having to install a bunch of dependencies
A stable and mostly version agnostic (2.x and 3.x series) API
Leverage and build upon a mature and maintained client (CZMQ)
Target Ruby distributions with a stable and comprehensive C API (MRI, Rubinius, JRuby is work in progress)
Support for running sockets in Threads - both green and native threads should be supported and preempt properly with edge-triggered multiplexing from libzmq.
Integrate with the Garbage Collector in a predictable way. CZMQ and the ZeroMQ framework is very fast and can allocate an enormous amount of objects in no time when using the Frame, Message and String wrappers. Resources such as socket connections should be cleaned up when objects are finalized as well.
Expose Message envelopes and Frames to developers as well to allow for higher level protocols and constructs.
Enforce well known best practices such as restricting socket interactions to within the thread the socket was created in etc.
ZeroMQ can have higher throughput than TCP in most cases by using a message batching technique. Please have a look through the Performance section in the ZeroMQ FAQ (www.zeromq.org/area:faq#toc2) for further implementation details.
Some notes about these benchmarks :
Messages go through the full network stack on localhost (TCP/IP transport)
The sender and receiver endpoints are Ruby processes which coerce transferred data to native String objects on both ends.
There’s thus a definite method dispatch cost in addition to intermittent pauses from the Garbage Collector
It’s still plenty fast for most soft real-time applications and we’re able to push in excess of 1 gigabits/s with the 1024 byte payloads. A language with automatic memory management cannot easily comply to hard real-time guarantees anyways.
Lourenss-MacBook-Air:rbczmq lourens$ MSG_COUNT=100000 MSG_SIZE=100 ruby perf/pair.rb Local pids: 2042 Remote pid: 2043 Sent 100000 messages in 0.3933s ... [2043] Memory used before: 1128kb [2043] Memory used after: 3012kb [2042] Memory used before: 1120kb ====== [2042] transfer stats ====== message encoding: string message size: 100 [B] message count: 100000 mean throughput: 227978 [msg/s] mean throughput: 182.383 [Mb/s] [2042] Memory used after: 22432kb
Lourenss-MacBook-Air:rbczmq lourens$ MSG_COUNT=100000 MSG_SIZE=1024 ruby perf/pair.rb Local pids: 2027 Remote pid: 2028 Sent 100000 messages in 0.641198s ... [2028] Memory used before: 1120kb [2028] Memory used after: 12776kb [2027] Memory used before: 1144kb ====== [2027] transfer stats ====== message encoding: string message size: 1024 [B] message count: 100000 mean throughput: 160756 [msg/s] mean throughput: 1316.919 [Mb/s] [2027] Memory used after: 189004kb
Lourenss-MacBook-Air:rbczmq lourens$ MSG_COUNT=100000 MSG_SIZE=2048 ruby perf/pair.rb Local pids: 2034 Remote pid: 2035 Sent 100000 messages in 0.94703s ... [2035] Memory used before: 1140kb [2035] Memory used after: 7212kb [2034] Memory used before: 1128kb ====== [2034] transfer stats ====== message encoding: string message size: 2048 [B] message count: 100000 mean throughput: 123506 [msg/s] mean throughput: 2023.528 [Mb/s] [2034] Memory used after: 277712kb
Have a play around with the performance runner and other socket pairs as well - github.com/methodmissing/rbczmq/tree/master/perf
As a first step I’d highly recommend you read (and reread) through the zguide (zguide.zeromq.org/page:all) as understanding the supported messaging patterns and topologies is fundamental to getting the most from this binding. Here’s a few basic examples. Please refer to documentation (methodmissing.github.com/rbczmq/) and test cases (github.com/methodmissing/rbczmq/tree/master/test) for detailed usage information.
ctx = ZMQ::Context.new rep = ctx.socket(:PAIR) port = rep.bind("inproc://send.receive") req = ctx.socket(:PAIR) req.connect("inproc://send.receive") req.send("ping") # true rep.recv # "ping" ctx.destroy
ctx = ZMQ::Context.new push = ctx.bind(:PUSH, "inproc://push-pull-distribution.test") threads = [] 5.times do threads << Thread.new do pull = ctx.connect(:PULL, "inproc://push-pull-distribution.test") msg = pull.recv pull.close msg end end sleep 0.5 # avoid "slow joiner" syndrome messages = %w(a b c d e f) messages.each do |m| push.send m end threads.each{|t| t.join } threads.all?{|t| messages.include?(t.value) } # true ctx.destroy
ctx = ZMQ::Context.new router = ctx.bind(:ROUTER, "inproc://routing-flow.test") dealer = ctx.socket(:DEALER) dealer.identity = "xyz" dealer.connect("inproc://routing-flow.test") router.sendm("xyz") router.send("request") dealer.recv # "request" dealer.send("reply") router.recv # "xyz" router.recv # "reply" ctx.destroy
ctx = ZMQ::Context.new rep = ctx.socket(:PAIR) rep.bind("inproc://frames.test") req = ctx.socket(:PAIR) req.connect("inproc://frames.test") ping = ZMQ::Frame("ping") req.send_frame(ping) # true rep.recv_frame # ZMQ::Frame("ping") rep.send_frame(ZMQ::Frame("pong")) # true req.recv_frame # ZMQ::Frame("pong") rep.send_frame(ZMQ::Frame("pong")) # true req.recv_frame_nonblock # nil sleep 0.3 req.recv_frame_nonblock # ZMQ::Frame("pong") ctx.destroy
ctx = ZMQ::Context.new rep = ctx.socket(:PAIR) rep.bind("inproc://messages.test") req = ctx.socket(:PAIR) req.connect("inproc://messages.test") msg = ZMQ::Message.new msg.push ZMQ::Frame("header") msg.push ZMQ::Frame("body") req.send_message(msg) # nil recvd_msg = rep.recv_message recvd_msg.class # ZMQ::Message recvd_msg.pop # ZMQ::Frame("header") recvd_msg.pop # ZMQ::Frame("body") ctx.destroy
ZeroMQ - www.zeromq.org/community
The ØMQ Reference Manual - api.zeromq.org/
The ØMQ FAQ - www.zeromq.org/area:faq
Whitepapers - www.zeromq.org/area:whitepapers
The ØMQ Guide - zguide.zeromq.org/page:all
CZMQ - czmq.zeromq.org/
Recent presentation on data transfer by the author of this binding - www.slideshare.net/methodmissing/sapo-codebits-2011
A POSIX compliant OS, known to work well on Linux, BSD variants, Mac OS X and SmartOS.
Ruby MRI 1.9, 2.0 or Rubinius (JRuby capi support forthcoming)
A C compiler
This is a “fat” gem, including its own source code for both ZeroMQ and CZMQ libraries. No system installation of either library is required.
Rubygems installation
gem install rbczmq
Building from source
git clone https://github.com/methodmissing/rbczmq.git cd rbczmq git submodule init git submodule update rake
Running all tests
rake test
Running a single test file:
ruby -Ilib test/test_context.rb
OS X notes:
If you are installing the package on a new Mac ensure you have libtool and autoconf installed. You can get those with brew packaging system:
brew install libtool autoconf automake
The rbczmq gem is licensed under the MIT license. See the file “MIT-LICENSE” for details. This gem uses the “zmq” and “czmq” libraries, both of which are licensed under the LGPL license.
ZMQ::Message#save && ZMQ::Message.load
Optimize zloop handler callbacks (perftools)
Handle GC issue with timers in loop callbacks
czmq send methods aren’t non-blocking by default
Revisit the ZMQ::Loop API
RDOC fail on mixed C and Ruby source files that document that same constants
GC guards to prevent recycling objects being sent / received.
Watch out for further cases where REQ / REP pairs could raise EFSM
Do not clobber local scope from macros (James’s commit in master)
Incorporate examples into CI as well
Zero-copy semantics for frames
Enable use of a system installed ZeroMQ/CZMQ libraries.
This project is still work in progress and I’m looking for guidance on API design, use cases and any outlier experiences. Please log bugs and suggestions at github.com/methodmissing/rbczmq/issues