The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) provides metadata and data access to scientific datasets. Datasets can be served through OPeNDAP, OGC's WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access protocols. It can be configured to aggregate a collection of datasets so the collection is seen as a single dataset when viewed through the various data access protocols. The TDS is a server-based system that can be easily installed in any servlet container such as Apache Tomcat.
For more information about the TDS, see the TDS web page at
You can obtain a copy of the latest released version of TDS software from
A mailing list,, exists for discussion of the TDS and THREDDS catalogs including announcements about TDS bugs, fixes, enhancements, and releases. To subscribe, send a blank email to and respond to the confirmation email. Mailing list archives are available at:
We appreciate feedback from users of this package. Open a GitHub issue or discussion if you have comments, suggestions, or bug reports. Please identify the version of the package. For security or server set up issues that cannot be addressed on GitHub, you may send your question with the relevant details to
THREDDS Catalogs can be thought of as representing logical directories of on-line data resources. They are encoded as XML and provide a place for annotations and other metadata about the data resources. These XML documents are how THREDDS-enabled data consumers find out what data is available from data providers.
THREDDS Catalog documentation (including the specification) is available at
The THREDDS Data Server is released under the BSD-3 licence, which can be found can be found here
Furthermore, this project includes code from third-party open-source software components:
Each of these software components have their own license. Please see docs/src/private/licenses/third-party/
Prior to v5.0.0
, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently. Releases prior to v5.0.0
were managed at, which holds the combined code based used by v4.6
and earlier.