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Welcome to the repository for the JTS Topology Suite. JTS essentially consists of several Java modules, each one corresponding to a separate JAR file. Only jts-core is necessary to use the library in an application. The others are external tools or optional extensions. To read more about specific modules check pom.xml description.
Java IDEs support Maven projects out of the box. Just import them, the rest should be automatically configured. Some jts-io-* projects require additional jars which are not easily obtainable. Check poms for more information.
The JTS library is intended to be Java 1.6 compatible (to permit deployment on Android 2.3+). The tools are not subject to this limitation, so you can target higher Java versions.
In the root directory execute
mvn install
Java unit tests can be executed using
mvn test
XML tests run during integration-test phase of jts-test-library project:
mvn integration-test
Some XML tests are executed separately since they should fail. Until test runner doesn't support such case use:
mvn exec:exec
JTS snapshot build will be deployed to GitHub pages based, Maven repository.
*Currently coverage is calculated only for jts-core (which is most relevant)