This project is a backend for a forum platform. Think about the actors in a school forum.
In this case, we have users, which can be students or instructors who can create a topic and the students can write an answer and answer comments.
A professor can select an answer as the best answer for that topic, and both topics or answers can have attachments in his content.
Another important point about this project is the notification module. So when a question has a new answer or comments the author should be notified. And when an answer is selected as best the author also should be notified.
- The authentication is jwt.
- For notification, I use a partner named pubSub.
- To list question endpoint was decided to use cache strategy.
- nodejs
- typescript
- nestjs
- docker
- vite
- zod
- prisma
- postgres
- Cloudflare R2
- redis
first download this repo:
git clone git@github.com:mfatima5bc/05-nest-clean.git
install the dependences:
npm i
configure you R2 bucket and enviroments variables, based on .env.example
run tests
npm run test
Generate migrations
npx prisma generate
start the services with docker If you'r running this on wsl and you docker is instaled on windows, comment the compose line # network_mode: host
docker compose up --build -d
Rum migrations
npx prisma migrate dev # deploy
You can use the client.http to try the api endpoints, just download REST Cliente vscode extension