Download and extract v-rep, e.g. into /opt/v-rep from www.v-rep.eu
In the v-rep directory (/opt/v-rep) check the following lines in the file remoteApiConnections.txt
portIndex1_port = 19997
portIndex1_debug = true
portIndex1_syncSimTrigger = false
Start v-rep by
Load /scene/youbot_arm
Start the simulation
Run your code (see next section)
First compile your code:
$cmake /path_to_CMakeLists.txt/ -DVREP_DIR:PATH=/path_to_v-rep/
In our case, for example:
$ cd vrep_youbot_example
$ mkdir build
$ cmake .. -DVREP_DIR:PATH=/opt/v-rep
$ make
To run the example use $ ./example
- You should make sure the remote API libraries are compiled. Check this. You will have to run something along the lines of:
$ cd /opt/v-rep/programming/remoteApiBindings/lib
$ make
$ sudo cp /opt/v-rep/programming/remoteApiBindings/lib/lib/64Bit/remoteApi.so /opt/v-rep/programming/remoteApiBindings/python/python
- You need to add the python modules to you python path, e.g.
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/v-rep/programming/remoteApiBindings/python/python
and the shared object library to you LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/v-rep/programming/remoteApiBindings/lib/lib/64Bit
Note: if python does not find the module or the library, you can simply copy the files into your working directory.
To run your code simply use python youbot_example.py
Example code for creating the proper KDL chain
KDL::Chain chain;
double offset[5] = {d2r(-169),d2r(-65),d2r(147),d2r(-102.5),d2r(-167.5)};
chain.addSegment(KDL::Segment(KDL::Joint(KDL::Joint::None), KDL::Frame::DH(0.0, M_PI, 0.147, 0)));
chain.addSegment(KDL::Segment(KDL::Joint(KDL::Joint::RotZ), KDL::Frame::DH(0.033, + M_PI_2, 0.0, offset[0] + M_PI )));
chain.addSegment(KDL::Segment(KDL::Joint(KDL::Joint::RotZ), KDL::Frame::DH(0.155, 0, 0.000, offset[1] - M_PI_2)));
chain.addSegment(KDL::Segment(KDL::Joint(KDL::Joint::RotZ), KDL::Frame::DH(0.135, 0, 0.000, offset[2] )));
chain.addSegment(KDL::Segment(KDL::Joint(KDL::Joint::RotZ), KDL::Frame::DH(0.0, M_PI_2, 0.0, offset[3] - M_PI_2 )));
chain.addSegment(KDL::Segment(KDL::Joint(KDL::Joint::RotZ), KDL::Frame::DH(0.0, 0, 0.0, offset[4])));
chain.addSegment(KDL::Segment(KDL::Joint(KDL::Joint::None), KDL::Frame::DH(0.00, 0, -0.208, 0)));
chain.addSegment(KDL::Segment(KDL::Joint(KDL::Joint::None), KDL::Frame::DH(0.00, M_PI, 0, 0)));