Security note: DavMail does not depend on Log4J2 and is thus not vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228
Ever wanted to get rid of Outlook ? DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP gateway allowing users to use any mail client with Exchange, even from the internet through Outlook Web Access on any platform, tested on MacOSX, Linux and Windows
Main project site is still on Sourceforge at
This git repository is synchronized with subversion repository in order to make contributions easier for Github users.
Donations are welcome to help support DavMail development, in dollars
or Euros
Download latest DavMail release on Sourceforge
RPM packages are available from OpenSuse build service:
An alternative is COPR on Fedora:
Latest working builds are now available on Appveyor:
Windows setup davmail-6.2.2-trunk-setup.exe
Windows 64 bits setup davmail-6.2.2-trunk-setup64.exe
Windows noinstall package
Windows standalone (with embedded Azul JRE-FX) package
Platform independent package
Debian package davmail_6.2.2-trunk-1_all.deb
OSX application
Contributions are welcome, you can either submit a patch or create a Github pull request.
In case you are looking for tasks to work on, please check current Backlog.