is a terminal version of Cambridge Dictionary, whose source is from; also supports the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as backup.
camb <word/phrase>
to look up in Cambridge Dictionary by defaultcamb -c <word/phrase>
to look up in Cambridge Dictionary with correspondent Chinese meaningscamb -w <word/phrase>
to look up in Merriam-Webster Dictionary- support concurrent searching multiple words from one dictionary, or multiple words from different dictionaries
- less than 2s taken to do all the work for the word, including fetching, parsing, printing, and writing cache
- less than 0.1s for the same word's later search by retrieving cache
- only the first dictionary from Cambridge (assuming the optimal) to avoid being confused by multiple dictionaries
- a list of suggestions will be given, if not found
camb l
to list cached words and phrases- support checking "Word of the Day" from Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- support displaying spellcheck suggestion list, cache list, Webster's all of word of the days by
- if
not installed, the aforementioned lists have been formatted elaborately - well tuned to dark, light, blueish, grayish,
(dark & light),solarized
(dark & light) terminal colorschemes
pip install cambridge
pip uninstall -r requirements.txt -y
rm -rf $HOME/.cache/cambridge
rm -rf $HOME/.cache/fakeua
# within the project
make install
make uninstall
make clean_cache
Command s
For looking up words/phrases in a dictionary or multiple dictionaries.
camb <word/phrase>[, w/p, w/p, ...] # look up words/phrases in Cambridge Dictionary
camb -w <word/phrase>[, w/p, w/p, ...] # look up words/phrases in Merriam-Webster Dictionary
camb -c <word/phrase>[, w/p, w/p, ...] # look up words/phrases in Cambridge with Chinese translation
camb <w/p>[, <w/p>, ...] -w <w/p>[, <w/p>, ...] -c <w/p>[, <w/p>, ...] # look up words/phrases from multiple dictionaries all at once
# Additional Options
--debug # look up words/phrases in debug mode
-f # look up words/phrases afresh without using cache
-n # look up words/phrases without showing suggestions if not found
# Special Characters on Terminal
# phrase with "'":
camb "a stone's throw" | camb a stone\'s throw
# phrase with "/":
camb "have your/its moments" | camb have your\/its moments
For listing and deleting items in the cache.
camb l # list alphabetically ordered words/phrases you've found before
camb l -t # list words/phrases in reverse chronological order
camb l -r # list 20 words/phrases from the word list randomly
camb l -d # delete one or more words/phrases(separated by ", ") from the list
For displaying 'Word of the Day' in the Merriam Webster Dictionary
camb wod # list today's Word of the Day from Merriam-Webster Dictionary
camb wod -l # list all words of the day
camb -h, --help # show this help message and exit
camb -v, --version # print the current version of the program