a d3 version 4 port of the adjacencyMatrix d3-plugin from @Elijah_Meeks
see the layout in use at http://bl.ocks.org/micahstubbs/7f360cc66abfa28b400b96bc75b8984e
develop with es2015 then bundle and transpile to todays-browsers-friendly es5 Javascript with the command
npm run prepublish
matrix.size An array of [width, height] that is used to calculate grid x, y, height and width.
matrix.nodes An array of the nodes of your network.
matrix.links An array of the edges of your network. As with other D3 network layouts, if the source and target properties are numbers, they are assumed to be array position within the nodes array, otherwise objects are assumed.
matrix.edgeWeight The function to return the weight of the edges of your links, if any. Defaults to returning 1.
matrix.nodeID The function to return the id value of a node, defaults to returning #node.id. The id is used to build the matrix and drive the axes.
matrix.xAxis Cannot be set. Call this from the same place where you've put your matrix cells and it will build a simple horizontal axis with labels from your node id.
matrix.yAxis Cannot be set. Call this from the same place where you've put your matrix cells and it will build a simple vertical axis with labels from your node id.
matrix.directed Set to false if you want to mirror undirected networks.