This repository provides scripts and configuration files to install/update and test a Peekaboo installation.
The outcome is a virtual machine that takes email messages via AMaViS, processes them with Peekaboo and Cuckoo Sandbox, and hands mail back to Postfix.
Necessary packages and source code is pulled and installed automatically.
Have a read of
it contains lots of information and explanations.
Quick and easy, download
and run.
(It pulls the repo to /tmp
and runs the installer)
Certainly it is possible to run the installer again if e.g. network timeouts have stoped its execution. This installer can also be used as an updater, it implements tests and replaces updated files and performes an installation of the latest PeekabooAV release.
A video tutorial of the setup process of a testing environment is also available.
- you want to install or update PeekabooAV
- this is a Ubuntu 18.04 VM
- /etc/hostname is a valid FQDN
- nothing else runs on this machine
- you run this installer as root
- you know what you're doing!
For a released version, e.g. 2.1
git clone -b v2.1
cd PeekabooAV-Installer/
NOTE: Point releases of the Installer and PeekabooAV are independent.
A particular version of the Installer always installs the latest
point release of PeekabooAV of the corresponding minor release branch.
So Installer 2.1.2 might very well install PeekabooAV 2.1.8 if it's available.
This behaviour can be changed by adjusting peekaboo_pip_constraint
Or for testing most recent changes of the repository
git clone
cd PeekabooAV-Installer/
git clone
Then carry on reading and of course the Cuckoo Sandbox documentation.
AND find useful scripts in utils
Host:25 -> Postfix content_filter
VM:1024 -> AMaViS
-> Peekaboo
-> Host:10025 Postfix
The MTA running on the host receives email and hands it over to AMaViS inside the VM this then splits up content and attachments. Peekaboo then analysis those files and reports back to AMaViS. Mail is then handed back to the host.
There is a user called peekaboo
whose home is at /var/lib/peekaboo
Assuming you've done this:
- you want to install or update PeekabooAV
- this is a Ubuntu 18.04 VM
- is fully updated (apt-get upgrade)
- apt working and package source available
- recent version of ansible is installed (>2.4 (in Ubuntu 16.04 use pip))
- /etc/hostname is a valid FQDN
- nothing else runs on this machine
- you run this installer as root
- you know what you're doing!
That's it well done
Thanks have a nice day
su - cuckoo -c "vboxmanage list vms"
su - cuckoo -c "cuckoo"
su - peekaboo -c "peekaboo -d -c /opt/peekaboo/etc/peekaboo.conf"
# if you upgrade from an earlier version you might have to delete the _meta table first
# should crash with "No such file or directory: '/run/peekaboo/'"
systemctl start peekaboo
ss -np | grep peekaboo
socat STDIN UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/peekaboo/peekaboo.sock
systemctl status cuckoohttpd
systemctl status mongodb # cuckoo web UI analyse a file
python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer &
utils/ grafana/Screenshot-2018-1-17\ Grafana\ -\ PeekabooAV.png
- you want to have an email pipeline to showcase or test PeekabooAV
- you can install and run docker and docker-compose
git clone
cd PeekabooAV-Installer/
git clone
Then carry on reading pipeline/
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