A video dictionary for one dialect of German sign language. 👋
This progessive web app allows users to browse a large library of signs by category or find specific ones by their corresponding German words. A list of favorites enables quick access to important words.
This project was realized in cooperation with Ursberger Gebärden.
It is now live on https://ursberger-gebaerden.web.app. A production account is required for video access.
flutter pub get
dart run build_runner build
flutter run
Changes to the storage bucket or to assets/synonyms.json are not immediately reflected in the app. The app uses a cached version of the app content in order to reduce loading times.
A privileged user can export an updated version of this file from the main menu.
CORS settings of the storage bucket have been adjusted by following this SO answer, so we can http GET this file from any origin.