A very simple API/Twitter4J wrapper for Twitter bots.
TwitterBot bot = new TwitterBot(); // create a new Twitter bot instance
Behaviour behaviour = BehaviourBuilder.create()
new KeywordEvent("lookingForThisKeyword"), // looking for "lookingForThisKeyword" and "#mySuperCoolHashtag" on Twitter
new HashtagEvent("mySuperCoolHashtag") // can also be achieved by calling listen() on the builder multiple times
new RTFilter() // exclude tweets that starts with "RT, a lot of bots do this
new QueuedReplyReaction("Test!", "Test 123")
bot.addBehaviour(behaviour); // add the behaviour to the bot instance
// or do everything in one statement
new MentionEvent("miichidk")
new LikeReaction()
// ... add as many behaviours as you want
To create a new bot/bot behaviour just orientate on the example code. Authentication works via Twitter4j. Follow the instructions here. To authenticate via ConfigurationBuilder, just pass the built configuration object to the constructor of TwitterBot().