Version 3.0.0
App Center
- [Fix] Fix an error where appcenter.podspec.json could not be found when using CocoaPods version 1.8.x.
- [Fix] Fix issues with
directive. - [Fix] Fix an issue where React Native SDK would not send wrapperSdk information.
- [Fix] Optimization of release objects from memory during the execution of a large number of operations.
- [Fix] Disable module debugging for release mode in the SDK to fix dSYM warnings.
- [Fix] Fix SDK crash at application launch on iOS 12.0 (
issue). - [Fix] The SDK was considering 201-299 status code as HTTP errors and is now fixed to accept all 2XX codes as successful.
- [Improvement] Replaced sqlite query concatenation with more secure bindings.
- [Fix] Fix infinite recursion when handling encryption errors.
App Center Auth
App Center Auth is retired and has been removed from the SDK.
App Center Data
App Center Data is retired and has been removed from the SDK.
App Center Crashes
- [Fix] Fix incorrect app version when an NDK crash is sent after updating the app.
- [Behavior change] Change the path to the minidump directory to use a subfolder in which the current contextual data (device information, etc.) is saved along with the .dmp file.
- [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.4.0.