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Releases: microsoft/azuredatastudio

August Public Preview 0.32.9

19 Sep 19:00
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August Public Preview 0.32.9

Note Build 0.32.9 is August Public Preview "Recovery Build 2". This build includes the VS Code 1.26.1 source code refresh and fixes for several high-impact bugs in 0.32.8.

The August release is focused on bug fixes, product stabilization and filling gaps in existing scenarios.

  • Announcing the SQL Server Import Extension
  • SQL Server Profiler Session management
  • SQL Server Agent improvements
  • New community extension: First Responder Kit
  • Quality of Life improvements: Connection strings
  • Bug Fixes
    • Parse SQL in a Query Editor window by using the Parse Syntax command
    • Save edit data scroll position when switching tabs #2129
    • View as Chart options are cut off at the bottom #1497
    • SQL Server Profiler session template support
    • Cancel change connection disconnects current connection #1474
    • Bug: Error message when saving Excel file second (and subsequent) time #1748
    • Update document icon for Dashboard and Profiler documents #2107
    • SQL Tab DB Icon is red #387
    • Feature Request: Auto Connect to current server after Script as... #825
    • Added more saveAsCsv options #2099
    • Feature Suggestion: Get Connection String for existing connection #1620
    • Bug: Results pane loses its scrolling positions when switching between tabs #1744
    • Agent: Enabled button to import queries from sql files #2042
    • .sql files not associated with SQL Operations Studio #1836
    • Copy from query results grid is off by 1 column #1985
    • Add VS Code version to About dialog #1998
    • double-click not selecting @ in variable name #143
    • Typing N'' autocompletes to N''' #1850
    • Results Grid Row Indicator Zero Based #2152
    • Fix the decimal separator #1317
    • SelectBox doesn't change color when disabled #1624
    • Save as JSON/EXCEL/CSV not work #1728
    • Shell/Dashboard: Main viewlet icons are draggable and can crash the app #1524
    • Can't use Ctrl+C shortcut to copy from result pane #2091
    • Updating causes application icon to be removed/replaced in Windows #1285
    • Not able to expand/collapse remote file browser folder by clicking name #1578
    • sqlops.desktop [Desktop Entry] - redundant value for Name & Comment #1278
    • Edit data: cell doesn't revert to original value on hitting Escape key #1782

Announcing the SQL Server Import Extension

The SQL Server Import for SQL Operations Studio Preview is now available in the Extension Manager. This extension provides the Flat File Import Wizard that can be used to import CSV and JSON files into SQL Server tables.


This wizard was created to improve the current import experience leveraging an intelligent framework known as Program Synthesis using Examples (PROSE). For a user without specialized domain knowledge, importing data can often be a complex, error prone, and tedious task. This wizard streamlines the import process as simple as selecting an input file and unique table name, and the PROSE framework handles the rest.

PROSE analyzes data patterns in your input file to infer column names, types, delimiters, and more. This framework learns the structure of the file and does all of the hard work so users don't have to.

Please note that the PROSE binary components used by this extension are licensed under the MICROSOFT SQL TOOLS IMPORT FLAT FILE EULA.

New community extension: First Responder Kt

This extension provides immediate access to the current First Responder Kit scripts and introductory execution suggestions. (All credit due to The extension makes it simple to Import and Run scripts from the First Responder Kit. Please check it out and open issues at

Contributions and "thank you"

We would like to thank all our users who raised issues, and in particular the following users who helped contribute fixes:

  • SebastianPfliegel Added more saveAsCsv options #2099
  • ianychoi Fixes a typo: Mimunum -> Minimum #1994
  • AlexFsmn Fixed bug where proper file extension wasn't appended to filename. #2151
  • AlexFsmn Added functionality for adding any file to import wizard #2329
  • AlexFsmn Fixed background issue when copying a chart to clipboard #2215
  • AlexFsmn Fixed problem where vertical charts didn't display labels correctly. #2263
  • AlexFsmn Fixed Initial values for charts to match visuals #2266
  • AlexFsmn Renamed chart option labels #2264
  • AlexFsmn Added feature for opening file after exporting to CSV/XLS/JSON & query files #2216
  • AlexFsmm Get Connection String should copy to clipboard #2175
  • AlexFsmn Feature: Ability to add connection name #2332
  • AlexFsmn Disabled connection name input when connecting to a server. #2566

Special thanks to AlexFsmn this month for making numerous high-value improvements! It's wonderful to see the community engagement.

Known Issues

  • #2150 Unable to connect on Ubuntu 16.04 to SQL in container


-- Changes for 0.32.9 merges master through 0.33.7 insiders build
-- Changes for 0.33.7
03ea265bab6e10ec63566813808e0e524965caca Hide tabs on reexecute (#2624)
917f9eead36dd64d4fe0c686eacc17ac42141d2b Feat/add dom component (#2622)
a2fb0ec029b994d87ceaa448dd124a01529d2428 fixed actual show plan command (#2620)
084042ad137647738a1df45522499abc270e30c7 Bug/oetimeout Fix - When timeout happens while fetching node children, the node becomes unusable (#2616)
8da3defe24c6424ca4dbd799a0a2dd9661ca9eaa Added text underline CSS for DB NULL values when editing / showing data (#2597)
-- Changes for 0.33.6
f7abf5a2d54ebeb8949a42403e61f040eb12a540 Fix stating for scrolls (#2615)
c8c6d072f6f2be7e9796d909b77aaba462eb7d81 Respect message settings (#2614)
4d9cc604b9b0038aee736065b3b2b7a346b0a53d add view area options to pick up chart background fix (#2613)
1dc76fa17107ae416fb99138ee23e9dce35196ec Dashboard: Fixed all insight bugs (#2612)
1d37b9ae9cc1de55edf374d2572a487d9a479f5a fixes scrolling in query plan (#2609)
26828602a88e88098f075f9ceab6f569e38df307 Use version 2.0.9 of electron (#2606)
e253f3ac89147ca1ad6a8c31e72ddac20d4ad28d Fix/bump dependency versions (#2608)
4d59fdea1b8da2f3e2f19f223ae13e2aef8afc17 The "New Query" context menu is now only available from the server & db (#2598)
98a313eb5b5762a35c575ce59fcc9d6ca37426ed Changed the "Configure" link to "Learn How To Configure The Dashboard". (#2599)
77e1cd8b325075bd22d6d97517cc55f397caff98 fixed insights crash (#2596)
dede5c5ef5ac4d80a0ed7bd8ee1deb165fc27f0c edit data issue with column index handling (#2595)
d156c0be3d6ccb25291fdb823c8bbde4b405cf91 Fix crash when reverting in edit data with no changes (#2594)
-- Changes for 0.33.5
05040425df44c4ad60e6465e0322bf2c88b28e58 Add OE node refresh API method (#2578)
36f7c283b80d126da8c0d91fcc0a3d4413dce083 use latest slickgrid library (#2584)
9fe423703332b475edc16597fefe7eee82f548bf Maintain Query State (#2571)
b03c0a3e2d69e3ee1448bf59b5ba6051c38500ad accessibility setting based select database dropdown (#2579)
87946996ede0c09fe42aec715363cc7ae02bad00 added context to chart buttons so they work (#2575)
cc5502344017c9de8d85e43a19a4bb0dae4fa75b Disabled connection name input when connecting to a server. (#2566)
950a4403506d8b4dc0ee547b7cf951c7ced0e756 fix the connection issue when opening new query after connection (#2561)
-- Changes for 0.33.4
2a047d675773e322804c7ab23e7e96e1c76889b0 Bug/extension contribution (#2560)
1e6c809f9ed57245191487cc8583e2a841084dac add divcontainer in modelview (#2559)
dafc3a2cdafb302cad87c7474f122fb94e8ceb9e Support isDirty flag for model view editors and begin plumb through of save support (#2547)
67ce1b299c7e2ba1abc1de2030cc657f9f6cfdd4 fix the account not found error when creating firewall rules (#2543)
cba48ae2e708e3c17b8d72a31d57b8762846d20c change active cell during change to fix focus shift (#2545)
ceb771ddf837b65c66bb754b6f8de2d1862dac2c Fix sizing error when switching windows (#2544)
-- Changes for 0.33.3
2639b2bd2c239c72904a68568b704c2dd4714f46 Fix bug around debounced event not being flushed in time (#2536)
82aa493dfd9834ab7892e10bc545903ee28b3531 Reduce message panel min size to 0 (#2534)
6c3c7c40b57b0512ef01dc6ecdc8bc8b14f1bd7f Turn-off Git missing prompt (#2533)
5616751c044195a1642f3d0b695fdd68efd2f199 fix grid action bar not updating (#2532)
7d898ca34de88eb41615078a28c2702a11450520 Fix grid gaps (#2531)
e26556b21a19e841c140a7077e66cf16c3e22d2d Fixes #2523 (#2528)
89e6d363e287f626f3e9c6c0ca9ca87b6380b27e Selection in grid context (#2527)
c559ac7be9ccd777f1ff88b2da631e891203301a expand messages panel on error (#2519)
b3fbe47f0a0ae2f8bf24814248ebfa66ed86271d add min size for row num column (#2518)
c73af4c480d6c3ba47411e8702c59ab7e72461cf add check for selection model in edit data (#2517)
8887fe1eacee0131ce28a6254ee3371a74b40f37 fix the save and save all for untitled file (#2526)and had a high likelihood of conflicts. Invitably after adding dozens or hundreds of icons you'll start seeing the CSS class replaced and overridden.
8ec09d25ce2d6a8853f20b07d5e572d1f69c2cb9 add listener to change action bar on maximize change (#2505)
a9a01ae479460af810853e7709c072db75bb1e95 fixes a rendering problem in splitview (#2512)
31a3864789615fee32ad0c31e6c1f755f0578adc Disable the User Setup prompt (#2501)
a5c537197c06db1674ee02315d126a701edb1d0f add animation when button is clicked and fix title in button (#2488)
4ea13bdbc0730fdd54750d834a1997d26ff6e956 add select all handler to grid (#2496)
b06ddf2dc7d1b8abc03e778aea456ca408bd1ec8 change cursor in message panel to default (#2494)
Read more

September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.5

14 Sep 03:14
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September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.5

Note: insiders builds are produced directly off master. They provide access to the latest bug fixes and improvements. They may also have more bugs in some areas. For the latest stable build checkout the August Public Preview release.

September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.4

14 Sep 16:40
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September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.4

Note: insiders builds are produced directly off master. They provide access to the latest bug fixes and improvements. They may also have more bugs in some areas. For the latest stable build checkout the August Public Preview release.

September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.3

12 Sep 06:17
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September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.3

Note: insiders builds are produced directly off master. They provide access to the latest bug fixes and improvements. They may also have more bugs in some areas. For the latest stable build checkout the August Public Preview release.

September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.2

08 Sep 01:22
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September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.2

Note: insiders builds are produced directly off master. They provide access to the latest bug fixes and improvements. They may also have more bugs in some areas. For the latest stable build checkout the August Public Preview release.

September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.1

06 Sep 20:35
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September Preview Insiders Build 0.33.1

Note: insiders builds are produced directly off master. They provide access to the latest bug fixes and improvements. They may also have more bugs in some areas. For the latest stable build checkout the August Public Preview release.

This release picks up the VS Code 1.26.1 source code and significant Query Editor updates. There are several known issues in this build which can be viewed at

August Public Preview 0.32.8

19 Sep 19:01
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August Public Preview 0.32.8

Note Build 0.32.8 is August Public Preview "Recovery Build 1" which picks-up fixes for important regressions in 0.32.7.

August Public Preview 0.32.7

30 Aug 06:23
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August Public Preview 0.32.7

Please prefer release 0.32.8 which contains fixes for a couple significant regressions in this build.

The following regressions in this build are fixed in 0.32.8

August Preview Insiders Build 0.32.6

30 Aug 04:42
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August Preview Insiders Build 0.32.6

Note: insiders builds are produced directly off master. They provide access to the latest bug fixes and improvements. They may also have more bugs in some areas. For the latest stable build checkout the July Public Preview release.

August Preview Insiders Build 0.32.5

17 Aug 01:46
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August Preview Insiders Build 0.32.5

Note: insiders builds are produced directly off master. They provide access to the latest bug fixes and improvements. They may also have more bugs in some areas. For the latest stable build checkout the July Public Preview release.