What's Changed
Azure Health Data Services (SQL)
- Drop old reindex stored procedure by @SergeyGaluzo in #3830
- Dropping BulkReindexResources stored procedure by @SergeyGaluzo in #3833
- events POC by @SergeyGaluzo in #3835
- Return bad request on too many surrogate ids by @SergeyGaluzo in #3838
Common to both Azure API for FHIR and Azure Health Data Services
- Make bundle statistics thread-safe by @fhibf in #3827
- New BundleHandler.RequestContexts must honor original requests CT by @apurvabhaleMS in #3813
Other Changes
- Improve flaky integration tests by @brendankowitz in #3836
Full Changelog: release/4.0.128...release/4.0.135