Middleware to format responses with HTTP error codes (4xx-5xx). Useful to create pretty 404 or 500 error pages.
- PHP >= 7.2
- A PSR-7 http library
- A PSR-15 middleware dispatcher
This package is installable and autoloadable via Composer as middlewares/error-response.
composer require middlewares/error-response
use Middlewares\ErrorResponse;
new Middlewares\ErrorResponse()
The constructor accepts an array of responders, that must implement the Middlewares\ErrorResponder\ResponderInterface
This package includes two basic responders: for html and json responses, that are enabled by default if no responders are passed.
//The default responders (for html and js)
$responder = new Middlewares\ErrorResponse();
//Use your custom responders
$responder = new Middlewares\ErrorResponse([
new MyHtmlResponder(),
new MyJsonResponder()
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.