Welcome to our workshop ! This is your workspace to develop the wasm application running on WEdge Agent at Raspberry Pi4.
Please start codespace by following the prerequisites below.
Step 1. Go to the repository wasmcon-workshop-2023-09 (https://github.com/midokura/wasmcon-workshop-2023-09)
Step 2. Click "Code" → "Codespaces" → … → “+ New with options…”
Step 3. Click "Create codespace"
It might take some minutes to build the container at the first time. -
Step 4. VS Code is displayed on the web-browser
Some installations will be automatically executed on the TERMINAL. Please wait until all installation is done. It would take a minute. -
Step 5. Click "setup" on the popup "No LLDB instance found. Setup now?"
- Step 1. Click the menu on left corner, then click “Open in VS Code Desktop”
- Step 2. Click the “Open Visual Studio Code - URL Handler” in the popup
- Step 3. Click the "Open"
Now you can access the codespace container from your VS Code on your laptop.
You can close the tab on the web-browser.
Step 2. Go to the “PORTS” tab, then confirm the settings of port forwarding are as attached
We use 1884 instead of 1883 to avoid conflict with the user's personal MQTT.
In this section, we are sending configuration of MQTT to Raspberry Pi so that the Raspberry Pi can access to the MQTT brocker running in the codespace.
- Step 1. On another window/tab in your browser, go to http://your-designated-raspberrypi-host:9000
- Step 2. Click on the link to your designated target port. You should get the following kind of message:
Configuration to port {target port} has been successful!
Now you are ready to use wedge-cli. Please go to your Codespace VS Code on your laptop.
wedge-cli -h
wedge-cli deploy -h
wedge-cli get deployment
- Step 1. Change configuration. Please set your laptop IP address.
The Raspberry Pi will use the IP address to download the built WASM applications.
wedge-cli config set webserver.host="YOUR LAPTOP IP ADDRESS"
- Step 2. Build applications from the application directory.
cd samples/source-sink && wedge-cli build arm64
You can find the built applications as below.
Step 1. Deploy the built applications to the Raspberry Pi
wedge-cli -v deploy
wedge-cli get deployment
If you get the timeout message "WARNING: Timeout when sending modules.", please make sure if you set your laptop IP address correctly in the above section. You can check the current configuration by executing:wedge-cli config get webserver.host
wedge-cli get telemetry
In this section, we are getting logs of the "sink" WASM application.
Step 1. Find the instance name of the sink by running get deployment, or just adding “_instance” to the name of the application.
wedge-cli get deployment
Step 2. Run the following command to get the logs of the "sink"
wedge-cli logs sink_instance
In this section, we are modifying the “send_message” function in the “source” application to update payload message.
Step 1. Modify the source code of the "source" WASM application
Line 43, updating the string “my-value” to any word.
sprintf(d->payload, "{\"date\":\"%s\",\"my-key\":\"my-value\"}", date);
sprintf(d->payload, "{\"date\":\"%s\",\"my-key\":\"my name is midokura\"}", date);
Step 2. Build the application again
cd samples/source-sink wedge-cli build arm64
Step 3. Remove the existing applications
wedge-cli deploy -e
Step 4. Deploy the built application
wedge-cli -v deploy
Step 4. Get the new deployment status
wedge-cli get deployment
Step 5. Get telemetry (i.e. data sent by the application)
Step 6. Get logs
wedge-cli logs sink_instance
Step 1. Create a new template application
If we set "hello" as the application name, the command is as below.
wedge-cli new hello
The "hello" folder is created as below.
Step 2. Build the application
cd hello/hello wedge-cli build arm64
Step 3. Remove the existing applications
wedge-cli deploy -e
Step 4. Deploy the built application
wedge-cli -v deploy
Face Detection Application with live camera stream can be deployed
Jump to wasmcon-visionapp.ipynb
No response from wedge-cli
If you already run mqtt broker in your local machine, you will get failed because WEdge Agent may be trying to connect there.
Please stop your mqtt broker during the workshop. example for mosquitto on linux
sudo systemctl stop mosquitto.service
If it is difficult, don't worry. codespaces automatically allocate different port as port-forwarding. Please check the forwarded port in the bottom of codespaces window. There is the "PORTS" and see the port information and set it mqtt.port via WEdge CLI.
Download never finished If you have a firewall between host and device, it might block module download.
Please allow the port to pass the firewall. example for ufw on linux
sudo ufw allow <port> sudo ufw enable