Releases: miguel5612/MQSensorsLib
Release library March 2022
Release to update all issues reported and add new sensors to this library!
- MQ136 Support
- ADS1115 Support
- setRL() Float type error
- Set Temperature to adjust Rs/Ro temperature dependency
- RatioMQ135CleanAir
- Fully Tested!! NEW!
How we have tested it
We have ensured that this library delivers as promised by sending pre-configured RS parameters and multiple R0 parameters compared to the PPM value designated by the manufacturer in their datasheet.
(Image on datasheet and on arduino).
Your responsibility when implementing this library is to ensure that you calibrate the sensor correctly so that your results are reliable.
- Test MQ131_O3 passed
- Test MQ135_CO2 passed
- Test MQ136_H2S passed
- Test MQ2_LPG passed
- Test MQ303A_Ethanol passed
- Test MQ309A_CO passed
- Test MQ3_Alcohol passed
- Test MQ4_Smoke passed
- Test MQ5_LPG passed
- Test MQ6_CH4 passed
- Test MQ7_CH4 passed
- Test MQ8_H2 passed
- Test MQ9_CO passed
- Test adcMaxValue passed
- Test adcMidValue passed
- Test adcMinValue passed
Test summary: 16 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, out of 16 test(s).
graph LR
A[Inicia el programa] --> B[Setup]
B --> C(Voltaje Lecture - MQ.update)
C --> D(Calculation PPM MQ.readSensor)
D --> E(Optional - serialDebug MQ.serialDebug)
E --> F(Delay - Wait to take another sample)
F --> A
Release library april 2020
Updated MQ-7, MQ-309A
- to take into account high voltage and low voltage on heater.
Explained MQ-131
- is a HIGH concentration sensor
- sugested to implement LOW concentration sensor.
Fixes to add example ESP-32 and ADC Value
- Fixed on ADC Equations, truth equation is 2^BitResolution - 1, because if resolution is 10-bit, value will between 0-1024 NOT 1025
- Added ESP32 Example (Issue #25)
Version 2.0
New characteristics
- Added support to ESP8266 Boards
- Added support to external A2D boards
- Added new examples with all gases
- Updated old examples
- More lighter
|-> Video Explanation (ES):
|-> Power Point Slides (EN):
Release library September/2019
#13 Fixed this issue adding new methods:
Examples are updated and ready to use.
Arduino Preview V1.03
Publishing on Zenodo platform as software in order to extend its applications for other works allowing to recognize MQSensorLib's Authors this work into scientific community using Digital Object Identifier System (DOI).
Arduino Preview V1.02
release or tag that matches the version value in your file.
Arduino Preview V1.01
- Fixed Lib.prop file:
Architecture set in avr boards.
Removed an error in paragraph
Arduino preview
This release contains the basic information of the library, it is made with the objective of testing the precision, accuracy and performance.