This is a framework for modding the configuration files from Dungeon of the Endless game. The game is very configurable, but changing a myriad of different xml's to achieve something simple is not easy. That is where the framework comes in: it does the changes for you.
Currently two modules are implemented:
- Manipulation of hero items
- Manipulations of active/passive skills
Check below the mods available for download.
- Item passive scaling: It makes all item passives scale with its rarity. The rarer the item, the stronger the passive. It works fine when all players have this mod active. When playing with someone not modding, the common items will spawn normally, but the ones with new scaling passives wont.
After downloading and extracting the mod, move its 'Public' folder into the game root folder, replacing the already existent 'Public'. It is wise to make a backup first.