This project is no longer maintained. For an up-to-date material design project, please use Ember Paper.
The Ember Material Design project is an implementation of Material De# EmberJS. This project attempts to provide a set of reusable, well-tested and accessible UI components based on the Material Design system.
This project is as close to a reference implementation of Angular Material as I could make it. Most of the credit for this work belongs to that team.
Note that this addon is under a lot of active development. I try to keep breaking changes to a minimum, but no guarantees until development slows down and stabilizes and a 1.0 version is released.
Visit Demo Page to view the components in action.
Install the ember-cli addon into project
$ ember install ember-material-design
This project uses SASS for compiling stylesheets. Import them into your styles.scss.
@import "ember-material-design";
To use SASS, you will need to either install broccoli-sass
or ember-cli-sass
$ ember install ember-cli-sass
This project does not provide any vendor prefixes. It is highly recommended to use an autoprefixer. I prefer to use ember-cli-autoprefixer
which can be installed as an addon very easily.
$ ember install ember-cli-autoprefixer
Any variables you want to set should be set prior to importing the ember-material-design
For example, to change the $primary
$primary: 'red';
@import "ember-material-design";
By default, the RobotoDraft
font is used from the Google Fonts api. To include this font, add the following line in the
section of your index page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href=",400,500,700,400italic">
If you wish to use another font, overwrite the $font-family
in a .scss file before your @import "ember-material-design";
If you're using this addon, I'd love to see an example of your work. Feel free to send me an email, or a pull request with your site listed here!