Homemade high-reliability oracle aggregator for Ethereum-based DeFi apps that need on and off-chain data, with a bit of streamlined execution functionality in there, as well.
Written the way smart contracts used to be: simple with most information on a single page per functional aspect.
Website: orfeed.org
Try out OrFeed
OrFeed DeFi Arbitrage Discovery Tool
The Reality Stone on the Blockchain blog post
How OrFeed Was Conceived blog post
A Use-Case blog post
OrFeed DAO proposal blog post
Etherscan Smart Contract Interface: https://etherscan.io/dapp/0x8316b082621cfedab95bf4a44a1d4b64a6ffc336 (Helper: getExchangeRate is a good place to start)
Oracle Price/Numerical Data Registry dApp
General Data/Event Result Registry dApp
At the top of your smart contract or in a referenced file in your dApp project, include this interface.
If you're using Solidity 0.5.0+:
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
interface OrFeedInterface {
function getExchangeRate ( string calldata fromSymbol, string calldata toSymbol, string calldata venue, uint256 amount ) external view returns ( uint256 );
function getTokenDecimalCount ( address tokenAddress ) external view returns ( uint256 );
function getTokenAddress ( string calldata symbol ) external view returns ( address );
function getSynthBytes32 ( string calldata symbol ) external view returns ( bytes32 );
function getForexAddress ( string calldata symbol ) external view returns ( address );
function arb(address fundsReturnToAddress, address liquidityProviderContractAddress, string[] calldata tokens, uint256 amount, string[] calldata exchanges) external payable returns (bool);
Under Solidity 0.5.0:
interface OrFeedInterface {
function getExchangeRate ( string fromSymbol, string toSymbol, string venue, uint256 amount ) external view returns ( uint256 );
function getTokenDecimalCount ( address tokenAddress ) external view returns ( uint256 );
function getTokenAddress ( string symbol ) external view returns ( address );
function getSynthBytes32 ( string symbol ) external view returns ( bytes32 );
function getForexAddress ( string symbol ) external view returns ( address );
function requestAsyncEvent(string eventName, string source) external returns(string);
function getAsyncEventResult(string eventName, string source, string referenceId) external view returns (string);
function arb(address fundsReturnToAddress, address liquidityProviderContractAddress, string[] tokens, uint256 amount, string[] exchanges) payable returns (bool);
To Initialize OrFeed, simply include this code:
OrFeedInterface orfeed= OrFeedInterface(0x8316B082621CFedAB95bf4a44a1d4B64a6ffc336);
One of the best things about OrFeed is that OrFeed automatically detects which kind of asset you are looking for (though the data can come from different providers), as the parameter of "venue" when making the getExchangeRate call. For example, you can get the price for ETH/USD the same way you get the price for JPY/ETH. The 3rd parameter is the venue. Use blank ('') for default oracle. In the future, you can reference several venues/providers to get their data and throw out any that deviate too far from the average.
uint jpyusdPrice = orfeed.getExchangeRate("JPY", "USD", "DEFAULT", 100000);
// returns 920 (or $920.00)
Note: Replace "DEFAULT" with the oracle provider you would like data from. For example, if you want to know Uniswap's price on the buy side, use "BUY-UNISWAP-EXCHANGE". If you want Kyber's sell side data for the same, you can use "SELL-KYBER-EXCHANGE". Due to the way Bancor works with swaps/liquidity paths, you can simply use "BANCOR" when querying Bancor. Because ERC-20s have many, many integers, when getting prices from token to token, be sure to use very large amounts.... 1000000000 DAI is less than one penny, for example, due to divisibility at 18.
More examples:
uint price = orfeed.getExchangeRate("ETH", "USDC", "UNISWAPBYSYMBOLV1", 100000000000000);
Supports Uniswap v.2 as follows:
uint price = orfeed.getExchangeRate("ETH", "USDC", "UNISWAPBYSYMBOLV2", 100000000000000);
uint price = orfeed.getExchangeRate("BTC", "DAI", "SELL-UNISWAP-EXCHANGE", 100);
uint price = orfeed.getExchangeRate("ETH", "DAI", "BANCOR", 1000000000000000);
uint price = orfeed.getExchangeRate("MKR", "EUR", "", 100000000000000);
uint price = orfeed.getExchangeRate("AAPL", "USD", "PROVIDER1", 1);
Additionally, you can do hacky things like retrieve a "safe" gas price that prevents front-running within your dApp by querying Synthetix's gasPriceLimit
uint gasLimit = orfeed.getExchangeRate("skip", "skip", "synthetix-gas-price-limit", 0);
In addition to # and numerical data, string data can also be retrieved using the get getEventResult
method. You can get string data from registered OrFeed oracles (who can optionally leave notes about how their oracles work and other details). This can be used for sporting events, documents, and notes that one might want to store permanently/temprarily with an expiration for when aliens come and want data on what the human were up to. You can register an oracle via this OrFeed dApp and set tules for how you would like to return data based on parameters sent (example: /contracts/examples/ProvideDataExamples/userRegisteredDataOrEventOracleExample.sol). Usage for retrieving data example:
string memory info = orfeed.getEventResult("skip", "satoshi-first-block");
Returns: The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
You can access the getExchangeRate functionality via RESTful API calls. e.g.
More of OrFeed's smart contract functionality will be added to RESTful calls soon. You can find the source code for the Node.js API app in /nodeJSAppExamples/orfeedapi
You can register a provider name and connect it to your custom oracle contract (DNS-style) via the OrFeed Oracle Registry: here by calling the registerOracle function. Additionally, you can tranfer the oracle name, provide contact details in case you are considering selling it, and discover other oracle providers via the smart contract. An example of an oracle smart contract that will be compatible with the OrFeed proxy contract is available in /contracts/examples/ProvideDataExamples/userGeneratedOracleExample.sol (very simple example that either returns 500 or 2) Once you deploy your contract and register it to the registry (paying a small amount of ETH to prevent spamming of names), you can check/verify your registration by calling the getOracleAddress function.
As more reputable, as well as trustless, oracle smart contracts register within the OrFeed registry, we will update a new list as a reference.
Asset | Example Provider (Venue) | Type |
ETH | DEFAULT | Cryptocurrency |
BTC | DEFAULT | Cryptocurrency |
MKR | BANCOR | Token |
KNC | DEFAULT | Token |
ZRX | DEFAULT | Token |
TUSD | DEFAULT | Token |
SNX | DEFAULT | Token |
BAT | DEFAULT | Token |
OMG | DEFAULT | Token |
SAI | DEFAULT | Token |
JPY | DEFAULT | Forex |
EUR | DEFAULT | Forex |
CHF | DEFAULT | Forex |
USD | DEFAULT | Forex |
GBP | DEFAULT | Forex |
AAPL | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
MSFT | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
GOOGL | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
NFLX | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
BRK.A | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
FB | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
BABA | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
V | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
JNJ | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
TSLA | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
JPM | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
DIS | PROVIDER1 | Equity |
The top 20 ERC-20 tokens are available.
contracts/pegTokenExample.sol contains a template code and live contract reference for a token using OrFeed data that is pegged to the value of an off-chain asset (Alibaba Stock in the example). We are looking forward to less primitive examples that leverage DAOs, advanced collateralization techniques, etc. Also, contracts/levFacility.sol is in very early stages and is the begining of creating a token that has a built-in leveraged short/long credit facility for margin trading of futures settled by OrFeed data (very early).
Note: "PROVIDER1" was the first external financial data provider for the OrFeed oracle system, and you can check the updates from this address on mainnet: 0xc807bef0cc81911a34b1a9a0dad29fd78fa7e703. The code example to run your own external data oracle is located in /contracts/examples/ProvideDataExamples/stockETFPriceContract.sol (smart contract) and /contracts/examples/oraclenodeExampleApp (for node application to interface with that smart contract)
Coming soon.
The contracts/examples folder contains contracts for both writing data as an oracle provider and for consuming data as an oracle consumer.
The /nodeJSAppExamples folder contains Node.js apps that interface with smart contracts that either read or write oracle data
Getting Data From Chainlink via OrFeed
You can retrieve data from a website (off-chain) asynchronously via the Chainlink integration. To use this feature, please follow these steps:
Make sure you have LINK coins in your wallet that you are making the request from. If you don't have LINK, you can visit Uniswap.io or Kyberswap to convert Ether to LINK. You will need .1 LINK per request.
Approve the OrFeed Chainlink proxy contract to use your LINK coins to pay the Chainlink fees. Visit https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca#writeContract and use the "Approve" function. In the "_spender" field, paste this address: 0xa0f806d435f6acaf57c60d034e57666d21294c47. In the "_amount" field, input: 100000000000000000000000000. Additionally, at the top of the page, right above the approve function, make sure to click Connect to Web3.
Optionally, for subsidized LINK fees, you can use PRFT token to pay for fees (.01 PRFT per request). Visit https://etherscan.io/token/0xc5cea8292e514405967d958c2325106f2f48da77#writeContract and use the "Approve" function in the same way you would do for LINK described above.
Now you are ready!
string status = orfeed.requestAsyncEvent("https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym=ETH&tsyms=USD", "CHAINLINK");
After 1 to 3 blocks, Chainlink will send the website data to OrFeed and you can access that data without making a transaction (synchronously). Additionally, you can access data from websites that others have already paid for by inputting their the URL.
string result = orfeed.getAsyncEventResult("https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym=ETH&tsyms=USD", "CHAINLINK", "");
Similar integrations with Augur, Provable and Band Protocol are coming soon.
Once your transaction has been confirmed on the blockchain, Chainlink then waits 1-3 blocks and sends the response from their smart contract.
Trianglular arbitrage enables a user to perform a multi-point exchange of funds between specified Assets on supported decentralized exchanges. The orfeed.arb method also supports a simple 2-way exchange, in addition to 3+ way.
OrFeed Angle provides a user interface to engage in triangle arbitrage and test OrFeed's arb method. Configuring the Angle system with your wallet of choice will require approving access between the OrFeed contract and one of your tokens. For example, in order to perform arbitrage between USDC, ETH and DAI a user will be required to confirm an approval transaction for the first of the three tokens (USDC in this case).
The OrFeed contract provides a function called arb
which is used to perform a streamlined triangular arbitrage operation.
Provided in this repository is a smart contract which uses the arb function in conjunction with a flash loan as a source of funds.
address fundsReturnToAddress
- After execution this is the address funds are sent to to conclude the operation
address liquidityProviderContractAddress
- The address that will be used as a source of liquidity. Can be the same value as fundsReturnToAddress
string[] tokens
- An array containing the symbols or 2 or three tokens to be arbitraged
uint256 amount
- The amount of funds that will be used for the arbitrage
string[] exchanges
- An array containing the names of 2 or 3 exchange which will be used during the arbitrage
To test that the contracts are working well in the respective networks, please do the following
- Install
in your system/environment, if it is not installed already. - Install truffle globall, once
is done installing i.e.yarn global add truffle
and then install the project dev-dependencies too i.e.yarn install
- Create a
file in the root folder of this project, and paste into it themnemonic phrase
of the the wallet you want to use for testing in the respective network i.e. mainnet, kovan or rinkeby. - Enter the infura
for the infura project you are using to test in either of the networks, in the filetruffle-config.js
. - Make sure the wallet has enough eth for testing. Atleast
should be enough for both contract deployment and testing. - Finally run either of the following commands to test the contracts, depending on the network,
truffle test --mainnet
for the main ethereum network, be careful though as this will cost you real money.truffle test --kovan
for the kovan test network.truffle test --rinkeby
for the rinkeby test network.
Read the full docs orfeed.org/docs
Common default data providers when venue parameters are left blank are Kyber, Uniswap, Chainlink and Synthetix.
Future private/premium data may be provided as follows (though we are to suggestions, and welcome you to join the OrFeed DAO where we will be voting on future governance decisions):
These can often fall out-of-date as we take a MainNet-first approach as most of the OrFeed functionality does not require gas, as OrFeed serves as a proxy to many other contracts.
Kovan: 0x31a29958301c407d4b4bf0d53dac1f2d154d9d8d
Rinkeby: 0x97875355ef55ae35613029df8b1c8cf8f89c9066
Vitalik Buterin: Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure
OrFeed's source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, and we welcome contributions.
The preferred branch of pull requests is the develop
branch. Additionally, we are frequently adding small bounties on Gitcoin for mission-critical initiatives.
Thanks for being awesome!