A simple Go package for pulling live # from GoGriddy.com
You will need to get your Meter ID, Member ID and Settlement Point from https://app.gogriddy.com
Look for a network request ending in /getnow. The Request Payload will contain all this information.
$ go run cmd/query.go -help
Usage of query:
-config string
Path to toml configuration file.
-memberid string
Your Member ID
-meterid string
Your meter ID
-settlement string
Settlement Point (ex: LZ_HOUSTON)
-url string
URL to be queried
go run cmd/query.go -config config.toml
go run cmd/query.go -memberid abc123 -meterid your-uuid -settlement LZ_YOUR_CITY
$ go run cmd/query.go -config config.toml
Server Time : 2018-07-23T23:10:00Z
Settlement : LZ_CITY
Price Type : lmp
Price : 3.30 ¢
Value Score : 10
Mean Price : 17.98 ¢
Diff Mean : -14.67 ¢
High : 206.04 ¢
Low : 1.02 ¢
Local Time : 2018-07-23T18:10:00-07:00
Data TTL : 28 Sec.